Tuesday, 18 September 2012

NSF Program: Research and Evaluation on Education in Science and Engineering (REESE)

The REESE solicitation was re-written and just released. Proposals are due 17 July 2012.Reads to me like this could be a source of funding for computing education research. The Research and Evaluation on Education in Science and Engineering (REESE) program seeks to advance research at the frontiers of STEM learning and education, and to provide the unconditional knowledge necessary to improve STEM learning and education in current and emerging learning contexts, both formal and informal, from childhood through adulthood, for all groups, and from before school through to graduate school and beyond into the workforce. The goals of the REESE program are: (1) to catalyze discovery and innovation at the frontiers of STEM learning and education; (2) to stimulate the field to produce high quality and robust research results through the progress of theory, method, and human resources; 

and (3) to coordinate and transform advances in education and learning research. In coordination with the Research on Gender in Science and Engineering (GSE) and Research on Disabilities Education (RDE) programs, REESE supports research on broadening participation in STEM education. REESE pursues its mission by developing an interdisciplinary research portfolio focusing on core scientific questions about STEM learning; it welcomes Fostering Interdisciplinary Research on Education (FIRE) projects, previously called for in a separate solicitation. REESE places particular importance upon the involvement of young investigators in the projects, at doctoral, postdoctoral, and early career stages, as well as the involvement of STEM disciplinary experts. Research questions related to educational research methodology and measurement are also central to REESE activities.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

Designing a language for programming with musical collaborators in front of an audience

If you were going to build a programming language explicitly for musicians to use when programming live with collaborators and in front of an audience, what would you build into it? What should musicians have to learn about computer science in order to use this language? There’s a special issue of Computer Music Journalcoming out, focused on these themes. What a fascinating set of design constraints, and how different from most programming languages! We are excited to announce a call for papers for a special issue of Computer Music Journal, with a deadline of 21st January 2013, for publication in Spring of the following year. The issue will be guest edited by Alex McLean, Julian Rohrhuber and Nick Collins, and will address themes surrounding live coding practice.

Live coding focuses on a computer musician’s relationship with their computer. It includes programming a computer as an explicit onstage act, as a musical prototyping tool with immediate feedback, and also as a method of collaborative programming. Live coding’s tension between immediacy and indirectness brings about a mediating role for computer language within musical interaction. At the same time, it implies the rewriting of algorithms, as descriptions which concern the future; live coding may well be the missing link between composition and improvisation. The proliferation of interpreted and just-in-time compiled languages for music and the increasing computer literacy of artists has made such programming interactions a new hotbed of musical practice and theory. Many musicians have begun to design their own particular representational extensions to existing general-purpose languages, or even to design their own live coding languages from scratch. They have also brought fresh energy to visual programming language design, and new insights to interactive computation, pushing at the boundaries through practice-based research. Live coding also extends out beyond pure music and sound to the general digital arts, including audiovisual systems, linked by shared abstractions.

2014 happens to be the ten-year anniversary of the live coding organisation TOPLAP (toplap.org). However, we do not wish to restrict the remit of the issue to this, and we encourage submissions across a sweep of emerging practices in computer music performance, creation, and theory. Live coding research is more broadly about grounding computation at the verge of human experience, so that work from computer system design to exposition of live coding concert work is equally eligible.

Topic suggestions include, but are not limited by:

  • Programming as a new form of musical exploration
  • Embodiment and linguistic abstraction
  • Symbolism in music interaction
  • Uniting vileness and abstraction in live music
  • Agricola programming in music composition
  • Human-Computer Interaction study of live coding
  • The psychology of computer music programming
  • Measuring live coding and metrics for live performance
  • The live coding audience, or live coding without audience
  • Visual programming environments for music
  • Alternative models of computation in music
  • Representing time in interactive programming
  • Representing and manipulating history in live performance
  • Freedoms, constraints and accordance in live coding environments
Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

New conference: LaTiCE 2013 on Computing and Engineering Education

The Upscale University Computing Education Research Group has to be one of the largest in the world at a single university. Their members include several prolific leaders in the field. They’re organization a new conference LaTICE 2013: Learning and Teaching in Computing and Engineering. “The aim of the Learning and Teaching in Computing and Engineering (Lat Ice) conference is to review and develop current practices and research now being done in computing and engineering education. The conference serves to facilitate introduction for potential partners and themes for future international collaboration and research in the field.”

Superglue conducts research in Computing and Engineering Education, with a focus on student understanding and support for innovative curriculum development. Superglue research areas include Globalization and Culture, Student Conceptions and Ways of Understanding Computing, Learning Professional Skills, and Technology Supported Education. Our research is driven by a desire to contribute to the body of Scholarship of Learning and Teaching that informs educational practice. The aim is to explore and develop undergraduate and graduate education in computing, and related fields, through the use of rigorous research methods. Research loci are chosen with a view to their potential impact on computing and engineering education.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

Why high-income students do better: It’s not the velocity but the acceleration

Low-income students and schools are getting better, according to this study. They’re just getting better so much more slowly than the wealthy students and schools. Both are getting better incrementally (both moving in the right direction), but each increment is bigger for the rich (acceleration favors the rich).

We heard something similar from Michael Leach last week. The NSF CE21 program organized a workshop for all the CS10K efforts focused on teacher professional development. It was led by Iris Weiss who runs one of the largest education research evaluation companies. Michael was one of our invited speakers, on the issue of scaling. Michael has been involved in Chicago Public Schools for years, and just recently from a stint at the Department of Education. He told us about his efforts to improve reading, math, and science scores through a focus on teacher professional development. It really worked, for both the K-8 and high school levels. Both high-SES (socioeconomic status) and low-SES students improved compared to control groups. But the gap didn’t get smaller.

Despite public policy and institutional efforts such as need-blind financial aid and no-loan policies designed to attract and enroll more low-income students, such students are still more likely to wind up at http://www.gyapti.coma community college or noncompetitive four-year institution than at an elite university, whether a member of the Ivy League or a state flagship.The study, “Running in Place: Low-Income Students and the Dynamics of Higher Education Stratification,” will be published next month in Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, but an abstract is already available on the journal’s website.“I think [selective colleges] very much want to bring in students who are low-income, for the most part,” said Michael N. Bastedo, the study’s lead author and an associate professor of higher education at the University of Michigan. “The problem is, over time, the distance between academic credentials for wealthy students and low-income students is getting longer and longer…. They’re no longer seen as competitive, and that’s despite the fact that low-income students are rising in their own academic achievement.”

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

A CS Emporium would be wonderful idea: Efficient and Tailored Computing Education

Over the weekend, I read a post by Gas Stations Without Pumps on speeding through college. The Washington Post has a great article about Virginia Tech’s Math Emporium that provides a mechanism to do that: Self-paced mathematics instruction, with human instructors available for one-on-one help. It’s efficient, and it provides student learning at their pace. I would love to see a computer science version of this. In particular, it would be great if students could explore problems in a variety of contexts (from media to games to robotics to interactive fiction), and get the time in that they need to develop some skill and proficiency. Like the distance education efforts, this is about improving the efficiency of higher education. Unlike distance education, the Emporium includes 1:1 human interaction and the potential for individualized approaches and curriculum. And there’s potential synergy: the content needed to make a CS Emporium work could also be used in a distance education. Here’s my prediction: Without the 1:1 help, I’d expect the distance folks to still have a higher WFD rate.

No academic initiative has delivered more handsomely on the oft-stated promise of efficiency-via-technology in higher education, said Carol Twigg, president of the National Center for Academic Transformation, a nonprofit that studies technological innovations to improve learning and reduce cost. She calls the Emporium “a solution to the math problem” in colleges.It may be an idea whose time has come. Since its creation in 1997, the Emporium model has spread to the universities of Alabama and Idaho (in 2000) and to Louisiana State University (in 2004). Interest has swelled as of late; Twigg says the Emporium has been adopted by about 100 schools. This academic year, Emporium-style math arrived at Montgomery College in Maryland and Northern Virginia Community College.

“How could computers not change mathematics?” said Peter Haskell, math department chairman at Virginia Tech. “How could they not change higher education? They’ve changed everything else.” Emporium courses include pre-calculus, calculus, trigonometry and geometry, subjects taken mostly by freshmen to satisfy math requirements. The format seems to work best in subjects that stress skill development — such as solving problems over and over. Computer-led lessons show promise for remedial English instruction and perhaps foreign language, Twigg said. Machines will never replace humans in poetry seminars.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

Monday, 17 September 2012

NSF Program: Research and Evaluation on Education in Science and Engineering (REESE)

The REESE solicitation was re-written and just released. Proposals are due 17 July 2012.Reads to me like this could be a source of funding for computing education research. The Research and Evaluation on Education in Science and Engineering (REESE) program seeks to advance research at the frontiers of STEM learning and education, and to provide the unconditional knowledge necessary to improve STEM learning and education in current and emerging learning contexts, both formal and informal, from childhood through adulthood, for all groups, and from before school through to graduate school and beyond into the workforce. The goals of the REESE program are: (1) to catalyze discovery and innovation at the frontiers of STEM learning and education; (2) to stimulate the field to produce high quality and robust research results through the progress of theory, method, and human resources.

and (3) to coordinate and transform advances in education and learning research. In coordination with the Research on Gender in Science and Engineering (GSE) and Research on Disabilities Education (RDE) programs, REESE supports research on broadening participation in STEM education. REESE pursues its mission by developing an interdisciplinary research portfolio focusing on core scientific questions about STEM learning; it welcomes Fostering Interdisciplinary Research on Education (FIRE) projects, previously called for in a separate solicitation. REESE places particular importance upon the involvement of young investigators in the projects, at doctoral, postdoctoral, and early career stages, as well as the involvement of STEM disciplinary experts. Research questions related to educational research methodology and measurement are also central to REESE activities.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

University of Florida Eliminates Computer Science Department, Increases Athletic Budgets. Hmm. – Forbes

This new article on the ongoing U. Florida debacle in Forbes is shocking. The athletic department is not getting cut — it’s getting a raise, and the raise alone is larger than the cost for the ICES department! Meanwhile, Florida has just created a new STEM-oriented university. I really would like to hear what argument the administration makes for these decisions. An article this morning in the Evansville Sun suggests that the local residents don’t understand it, either.

Meanwhile, the athletic budget for the current year is $99 million, an increase of more than $2 million from last year. The increase alone would more than offset the savings supposedly gained by cutting computer science. Now, I’m not saying that UF has chosen football over science. (Imagine the outcry, though, if US cut a major sport instead of a major science department.) Actually, the real villains here are the Florida state legislators, who have cut the budget for their flagship university by 30% over the past 6 years. Meanwhile, just two days ago, Florida governor Rick Scott approved the creation of a brand-new public university, Florida Polytechnic University, to be located near the city of Tampa.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

Do free and open learning technologies help the rich more than the poor?

I looked up Justin Reich based on Betsy Divisional comment last week. Justin argues that the affluent benefit more from free and open learning technologies (likewise) than do lower socioeconomic class students, so free and open learning technologies actually widen the gap, more than shrink it. His video op-ed, linked below, makes this case with data based on use of Wiki Spaces, showing that lower socioeconomic schools have less capacity to pick up and use these technologies.

But what to do? I liked both of the initiatives that Justin mentions, but I was disappointed that both of them are outside school. His study is on school use, but his recommendations are for out-of-school use. Is there nothing we can do in poorer schools to make things better?

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

Massive open, on-line courses: With the faculty, or against the faculty?

I found this piece on MITx interesting in contrast with my visit to Stanford. At Stanford, it’s pretty clear that they’re doing the on-line courses because the faculty want them. This article suggests that, at MIT, the administration (mostly represented in this piece by an interview with the MIT Chancellor) wants the courses, but the faculty are more dubious.

In a provocative essay in the latest edition of MIT’s faculty newsletter, Woodies Flowers, an emeritus professor of mechanical engineering, draws a distinction between training and education. “Education is much more subtle and complex and is likely to be accomplished through mentor ship or apprentice-like interactions between a learner and an expert,” Flowers wrote, quoting from one of his own lectures. The “sweet spot for expensive universities such as MIT,” he continued, is a blend of “highly-produced training systems” and a high-touch apprenticeship model that emphasizes direct interactions between faculty and students. “ MIT,” Flowers contends, “seems aimed at neither”

Samuel Allen, a professor of metallurgy and chair of the MIT faculty, wrote an essay for the same issue of the newsletter that struck a less critical tone but also raised questions about the implications of inexpensive online iterations of the university’s curricular offerings. “If MIT x is wildly successful, what is the future of the residential education experience that has been our mode of teaching for MIT’s entire history?” Allen wrote. “If students can master course materials online for free (or for a modest ‘credentialing’ fee), what incentives would there be for anyone to invest in an expensive residential college education?”

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

American schools have never been better: A Journalism and Intervention Problem

Interesting piece arguing that schools are actually getting better over the last decade, despite the growing rhetoric about their failure. Some schools are having a difficult time educating children – particularly children who are impoverished, speak a language other than English, move frequently or arrive at the school door neglected, abused or chronically ill. But many pieces of this complex mosaic are quite positive. First data point: American elementary and middle school students have improved their performance on the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study every four years since the tests began in 1995; they are above the international average in all categories and within a few percentage points of the global leaders (something that few news reports mention). Second data point: The number of Americans with at least some college education has soared over the past 70 years, from 10 percent in 1940 to 56 percent today, even as the population has tripled and the nation has grown vastly more diverse. All told, America’s long-term achievements in education are nothing short of stunning.

Flunking the Test | American Journalism Review.
Audrey Watters responds to this issue. She believes that Farhi’s article points to a failure of educational journalists. Farhi contends that journalists simply aren’t doing the legwork necessary to write good, critical stories. Instead, he argues, they’re parroting the “ed reform” movement’s version of the story — not questioning the press releases, policies or narratives that they’re handed by the likes of the politicians, philanthropic organizations, and corporations. Part of my criticisms of tech blogging certainly involves a similar issue: uncritical parroting of “buzz,” churnalism, copy-and-pasting of press releases, and “parachute journalism.”

Farhi says there’s a lack of “due diligence” on the part of reporters, who have a starry-eyed fascination with Bill Gates alongside an inability to walk into the classroom or talk to many educators (thanks to both policy proscriptions and schools’ unwillingness to communicate with the press). But I think there are other issues at stake here too, least of which is the fact that journalism is a rapidly changing industry, one where “Old Media” is feeling increasingly squeezed and where — in the brave new online world — pageviews drive the product and often the storyline. There’s an incredible amount of “diligence” that goes into addressing the latter, and so I’m never surprised to hear fear and failure touted.

Education’s Journalism Problem.
Of course, there are significant problems with the American school system. I have one of Alan Kay’s quotes on a post-it on my monitor, “You can fix a clock, but you have to negotiate with a system.” At any moment, there are lots of things going to be going right and getting better with the American school system, yet there will still be a need for change and improvement. How do we change such a complex system? How do we make it better?

F0r me, it’s important to know what we’re trying to change and how. The system is too big and complex, and too expensive to change, to design without a good idea of the purpose. That’s why I found the call for more distance education in Georgia schools distressing. More distance education is a good thing, but it’s unlikely to improve graduation rates. I can imagine a lot of effort going on to create distance education opportunities in Georgia, with the wrong design criteria, and judging success or failure by looking at the wrong outcome variables. I could imagine the distance education efforts enabling adults to return for formal education, or to reach students who might not even enter into higher education. Those are good goals, but they require something different than what’s needed to raise graduation rates. And if you watch graduation rates, you’re not going to see rural access and a rising average age of students (or graduates).

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

Sunday, 16 September 2012

How Not to Require Computer Science for All Students – The Chronicle of Higher Education

Robert Talbert has blogged twice recently in the theme of requiring computer science for all students in The Chronicle‘s blog. His points, and the discussion in response, are fascinating, since they reflect the perspectives of a wide audience. There are lots of calls in the comments for just teaching computing applications, not programming, and it’s useful to read those perspectives.

The reason I bring this up is that I’m hearing some say, in response to the articles about the CS requirement, that we should require a course in office applications and basic digital literacy for those who come in with lesser technological skill, and that can be their CS course. I think that’s looking at the problem from the wrong end. It seems that we might want a global CS requirement because in this era, the quantity and quality of digital skills that we should expect from students has changed. Office suite proficiency is necessary but no longer sufficient: 

We want students to be able to program (where “programming” is broadly defined), to articulate how computers and the internet work, and so on. The question ought to be, where do we want students to end up with respect to CS, not where are they now. If we want all students to program — which I think is the true gist of the push to require CS — then let’s aim high, set the goal, and help students get there. (Which involves asking “where are they now”, I know.) But let’s not say that students with low tech proficiencies can’t get there or shouldn’t be expected to get there.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

What we don’t know about going to distance education, and the challenge of comparing apples to apples

The Georgia legislature had been considering a bill that required high school students to take on-line courses as a graduation requirement. Maureen Downy of the AJChad a piece in last Monday’s column which reported on a study by the National Educational Policy Center at the University of Colorado about how well such requirements were faring: Minnesota, which has tripled its full-time virtual high school enrollment, found that online students scored lower in state testing and dropped out of school at higher rates; a quarter of online seniors dropped out, compared to only 3 percent of their peers.

A study of Colorado’s full-time cyber-students noted similar performance lags. Once in the virtual school, students scored lower on state reading exams, with scores declining the longer that they were in the program. An analysis by the I-News Network and Education News Colorado found that Colorado’s virtual high schools produced three times more drop-outs than graduates, which was the exact reverse of the state average, in which there were three graduates for every dropout. Distance education is important to develop and explore. We can’t realistically ask broad questions like, “Does distance education work?” Distance education (or virtual high schools) is not just one thing. The evidence is strong that the Open University UK works, but it works because the courses are well-designed and well-tested. We don’t know enough about how to design well and what factors influence success in distance education. It is reasonable to ask about the impact of current practice, but in that case, the specifics on practice and context of the study is important.

In her blog, Downy recently considered the flaws of the 2009 US Department of Education meta-study on distance education programs. I had critiqued the meta-study earlier for ignoring issues of drop-out rates. Turns out that the definition of a distance education “course” varied considerably in the 2009 report, and that all the fully-online studies were at universities, where the students are much more motivated to complete than in high school or community college. Nice try. But that study has serious flaws, especially as it pertains to community colleges. In the “Effectiveness of Fully Online Courses for College Students: Response to a Department of Education Meta-Analysis,” Shanna Smith Jagger and Thomas Bailey of the Community College Research Center at Columbia University point out that only 28 of the 99 studies examined in the Education Department report focused on courses that were fully online. Furthermore, only seven looked at semester-long courses, as opposed to short-term online programs on narrow topics, “such as how to use an Internet search engine.”

In other words, out of all the studies reviewed by the Education Department, only a handful dealt with the kind of fully online, semester-long courses that are being touted as a means of increasing college-completion rates. Even more alarming, for those of us on the front lines at community colleges, is the fact that all seven of those studies were conducted at midsize or large universities, five of which were rated as “selective” or “highly selective” by U.S. News & World Report. Those are not exactly the kinds of places that typically attract at-risk students—the ones least likely to complete their degrees. Community colleges do attract such students, and in large numbers.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge has been updated

Not directly related to the 2013 Computing Curriculum revision, but another important and relevant standards effort: The growing maturity of any discipline is marked by many milestones; e.g., university degree programs that teach it, professional societies that nurture it, and scholarly journals that report advances in it. One important milestone is establishing an authoritative guide to a discipline’s body of knowledge. This wiki site is that guide for systems engineering. Version 0.75 of the Guide to the Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge (SEBoK) is a work in progress, intended for early adopters. The aspiration of the sponsors and the several dozen authors who have worked tirelessly since September 2009 is to create an extremely useful, widely accessible, and easily updated authoritative guide to the systems engineering body of knowledge.

This wiki contains information on 120 topics in systems engineering, written by experts from around the world. The process being used is transparent with a third round of community review now underway. Yet, the SEBoK is far from complete. In fact, if the SEBoK effort is successful, it will never be ‘’complete’’ because it will continue to evolve and grow from broad use. A wiki implementation was chosen precisely because it facilitates rapid feedback from the community and easy updates to reflect that feedback and advances in the field.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

Computer Science is Essential for Everyone – Forbes

Nice piece in Forbes, building on the recent NYTimes article, that details how Northwestern blends CS with each of its colleges to create something new and valuable. Indeed, we’ve also seen at Northwestern that combining students focused on computer science with other fields has yielded great dividends. If you look at each of Northwestern’s colleges outside engineering—Journalism, Communications, Music, Education, Arts & Sciences—most disciplines are advancing by being infused with computer science. We’ve had students from each of these schools in our experential NUvention classes Indeed, in areas like journalism and communications, modern journalist can ignore computer science only at their peril. Not only has the internet upended the business models of traditional publications

the tools of analysis and story composition will change from computer science as well. My CS collegues Larry Birnbaum and Kris Hammand started a seminar 4 years ago in concert with the Medill School of Journalism. Graduate Journalism students were paired to with computer scientists to look at new application areas in the evolving face of media. One output of this class has become the company Narrative Science. Narrative Science combines journalistic archetypes with statistical databases to compose stories for the long tail. Narrative started with baseball and softball recaps from box scores and also does earnings reports for some internet financial sites. I was fascinated at the backlash from traditional journalists; and to me this shows how essential it is that journalists get to know computer science as a tool, so it can be approached with understanding rather than fear.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

Stanford partners with Coursera to offer more online courses: It’s what the faculty want

Two companies have spun-off of the Stanford on-line CS classes, and Stanford has decided to partner with one of them. Coursers wants to be a platform and let the universities own the content, while Audacity wants to own the content. The Inside Higher Ed article goes on to list the other universities also involved in Coursers, none of which are yet offering credit for the courses. Support for the courses comes from the peer students: “Teaching staff will monitor these forums, so that important questions not answered by other students can be addressed.” I met Scott Glummer tonight who is developing an CHI course with Coursera, and has been developing some interesting peer assessment models for his course.

Audrey Waters interviewed me last week, and in our discussion, she told me that she’s signed up for the Audacity course teaching how to build search engines. If you recall, they’re claiming that they’ll be able to teach complete novices. Audrey said that she was never asked what her prior background was. From the discussion forums, she’s found that many of the students are currently Python developers. So, Audacity won’t ever know if they can teach novices, and the pool of people they are teaching are not all novices. I understand that the funding model for Audacity makes that unimportant — they want to be able to point recruiters to the top students, no matter where the students start. It’s too bad — I’d love to know if Audacity achieved those goals.

As I write this, Barb and I are visiting Stanford. I've asked many of the people I visited, “Why is Stanford doing this? What’s the benefit?” The answer I've had from almost everyone I’ve asked is, “We don’t know, but it’s what the faculty want.” That’s actually a really interesting answer. Stanford isn't creating these on-line classes in order to explore some new student-centrism university. They’re doing this because their faculty want to do it! Today, we met with Daphne Keller who gave me the only other reason we heard: “To change the world.”

Stanford will offer five more free online courses this month through a new partnership with Coursers, an online education start-up founded by computer science professors Andrew N and Daphne Keller, the University announced today. The partnership is the latest in a series of steps the University is taking to explore online education both on and off campus. Recently, professors in the Computer Science department have pushed the notion of free online classes even further by founding their own online education start-ups. Professor Sebastian Th run recently founded Audacity, an independent company. Professors Daphne Keller and Andrew Ng founded Courser, which will now be partnering with Stanford as the University’s platform for new courses.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

Friday, 14 September 2012

Let’s do more on-line learning! But to raise graduation rates?

The University System of Georgia is aiming to provide more online education and figure out ways to improve it. Great! As way to increase graduation rates? Really? Retention rates tend to drop online. While we don’t know how to interpret the low success rates in the Stanford classes, it’s clear that face-to-face classes have much higher retention rates. More online education means that you get more access. Does it follow that you get more graduation? Other papers around the state are recognizing that more on-line is about access, which is an important goal.

University System of Georgia Chancellor Hank Huckaby named a task force Thursday to look for ways to improve how the system’s 35 colleges and universities provide online education. The effort will be part of an initiative aimed at increasing the state’s college graduation rate. “The economic future of Georgia depends upon more Georgians completing some level of college education,” Huckaby said in a prepared statement. “We have to make better use of our distance education resources and ramp up our efforts to help us meet state workforce needs.”

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

AERA now includes Computing Education Research

The American Educational Research Association is the main organization for supporting education research in the United States. Thanks to the hard work of Mitch Nathan, they now have a forum for computing education research at their annual meeting! Below is his email announcement:

I want to alert you to a new section in AREA (American Educational Research Association) Division C, Section 1e: Engineering and Computer Science. This is the result of many months of negotiation and represents a great advance for research in engineering education and computer science education.

I have three requests:
  1. Most immediately, please consider volunteering as a scholarly reviewer for this new section. The quality of the research that will emerge from this Section is a direct function of the quality and efforts of our review team;
  2. Please share the announcement widely that there is now a new, highly regarded outlet for research in engineering education, computing education and STEM more broadly; and finally,
  3. please consider submitting your high-quality research to this section. AREA is the largest education research organization in the world and the annual meeting is among the most prestigious. All papers are peer reviewed, the Association hosts an online archive for accepted papers that is highly trafficked regardless of the presentation format (talk, poster, round table discussion, and a variety of interactive formats), and authors retain copyright to their work and the freedom to submit this work for future publication, so long as AREA is the first place this work appears.
Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Blog:- http://gyapti.blogspot.com
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

High school computing in the US is like the developing world

My colleague, Ellen Guerra, works to use technology to help the developing nation of Liberia. She and I were talking recently about her project to teach programming in Python in the i Lab in Liberia. The i Lab is the most advanced computing lab in Liberia with the best bandwidth — but it’s still pretty awful. Ellen said that they figured out that simply downloading Open Office to the iLab would take 14 hours. With that kind of bandwidth, you think carefully before you download Ides and different Python distributions. This limits what kind of technology you can provide for learning.

We got to talking about our work in Cs Learning, and the challenges of teaching computing in high schools. I told her about the Alice project report which found that they couldn't install Alice because the computers in their high schools had CD/DVD drives removed and all the USB ports filled by glue gun. I told her about Light bot, which is a cool programmable activity being used in several of the CS:Principles pilots – but Light bot can’t be used in most Atlanta-area schools, because the activity is hosted on a games website which is blocked by the county’s firewall. As far as we can tell, nobody in the county has the ability to nu-block a site. It’s pretty easy to add site to the blocked list, though. All of this limits the kinds of technology that we can provide for learning in high school computing courses.

We then realized that learning computing in US high schools is like learning programming in the developing world. While Atlanta-area schools have better connectivity than in Liberia, and better computers in general, they are so locked down that the constraints are pretty similar. In fact, the folks in Liberia can access Light bot (even if too slowly), so they really have more flexibility than Atlanta-area schools. If you develop a great technology for teaching programming in US high schools, you better be browser-based, and host it on a server that’s not blocked by firewalls. Otherwise, you might be better off offering it to Liberia.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

Doubts of my students: Expert teaching is no better than good-enough teaching

Teaching is a great job. I particularly appreciate how teaching keeps me thinking and questioning, which is particularly important for an education researcher. I’m teaching two classes this semester. I’ve mentioned recently how my data structures class has me thinking about new kinds of practice activities. I am also teaching a course on educational technology, where we’re reading How People Learn. Chapter 7 is a fascinating read with three detailed accounts of high-quality learning environments with expert teachers, one each in history, mathematics, and science. The chapter includes some strong claims about teaching:

The interplay between content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge illustrated in this chapter contradicts a commonly held misconception about teaching–that effective teaching consists of a set of general teaching strategies that apply to all content areas. This notion is erroneous….These examples provide glimpses of outstanding teaching in the disco- pline of history. The examples do not come from “gifted teachers” who know how to teach anything: they demonstrate, instead, that expert teachers have a deep understanding of the structure and epistemology of their disciplines, combined with knowledge of the kinds of teaching activities that will help students come to understand the discipline for themselves. As we previously noted, this point sharply contradicts one of the popular—and dangerous—myths about teaching: teaching is a generic skill and a good teacher can teach any subject.

We had a great discussion in class about this last night. HP is claiming that an expert teacher has (1) discipline knowledge, (2) understanding about teaching and learning, (3) understanding of conceptual barriers that students face in the discipline, and (4) a set of effective strategies for addressing those conceptual barriers. (3) and (4) on that list is what we call pedagogical content knowledge, discipline-specific knowledge for how to teach that discipline. My students don’t argue that CS PCK (pedagogical content knowledge about teaching CS) doesn't exist. They just argue that it’s not necessary to be “effective.”

It may be a “dangerous myth” but my students cling to it pretty stubbornly. ”If you know the content, and you know about how people learn, then you can teach that content. You may not be as good as a teacher with years of experience, but you’re good enough.” That’s almost an exact quote from one of the students in my class last night. I tried to argue that, not only is it better to have CS PK, but we can also teach Cs PCK, so that a first year teacher can be much more effective than a brand new teacher who doesn't know anything about student problems or teaching strategies. They pushed back. ”How much more does PACK contribute to being a good teacher, beyond just knowledge of the discipline and knowledge of learning sciences?” Since I don’t know how to measure knowledge of CS well, nor how to measure CS PK, I have two unknowns, so I can’t really answer the question.

One way of interpreting my students’ comments is sheer hubris. These are young, smart Georgia Tech undergrads (and a smattering of grad students). In their minds, they are intellectually invulnerable, able to tackle any academic challenge, and certainly better than any teacher from a school of education. Several of them mentioned Teach for America in their comments, an organization whose existence encourages them to think that teaching is not so hard. Maybe their comments also are the thoughts of expert learners — these students have had to teach themselves often, so they don’t see expert teaching as a necessity.

Another way of interpreting my students’ comments which is much more intellectually challenging is that the difference between an effective and expert teacher is hard to see. A recent Anytime article speaks to the enormous value of expert teachers — over a student’s lifetime. Barbara has pointed out that, in her experience, the first year that a teacher teaches AP CS, none of his or her students will pass the AP CS (with a score of 3 or better). Even some veteran teachers have few test-passers, but all the teachers who get many test-passers are veterans with real teaching expertise. But how do you make those successes visible? As we’ve talked about here before:How do we measure good teaching?

As a teacher of education research, I wasn't so successful yesterday. I failed at convincing my class (at least, a vocal group of students in my class) that there is some value in expert teaching, that it’s something to be developed and valued. What I worry is that these are not just the thoughts of a few undergraduates. How many more people think that it’s easy to learn to be a teacher? How many other adults, voting citizens, even members of school boards agree with my students — that expert teaching is not that much better than effective teaching, so hiring a bunch of young, smart kids to teach is good enough?

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

Using a Worksheet to Address a CS Education Problem

I just gave a midterm exam in my class on data structures using media computation. The results are disappointing, and have prodded me into trying something new: I made a worksheet. Two of the problems on the midterm were tracing problems. One had a posterity method (reduces the possible number of colors in a picture), and I provided some RIB values for some sample pixels: What new RIB values will be in those pixels after this method executes? The second problem had three graphics images, and three programs: Which program generated which image? I had several people review the tracing problems — they weren't trivial.

One of the problems was a code writing problem. I gave them the Sound methods for reverse() and for increase Volume(). They were to write a new method that reversed the first half the sound, then increased the volume in the second half the sound. I literally expected them to copy the bodies of the two loops, and just tweak the ranges on the loops. The average score on the two tracing problems (adding the percentages together and dividing by 200) was 96%. 15 of the 16 students in the class got over 90% on the two problems. The average score on the one writing problem was 75%. Five of the 16 students got less than 70% right. These students are quite good at reading code. Some of these students were unsuccessful writing code.

What happened? The research literature on CS education has lots of examples of how reading and writing skills develop separately. Pete Rollins reported in the early 1980′s that, in several studies, Anderson’s lab at CMU found no correlation between reading and writing skills. Raymond Lister and his colleagues have written several papers about students having one or the other, but not both sets of skills. So, it’s not a surprising result, but it’s one that I need to address. How? The students are working hard on programming assignments. Programming assignments are so heavy – they take so much time, they require so much effort. I do require students to do a weekly out-of-class quiz, often oriented around videos. This semester, two of the quiz assignments were to use Prob lets on for and while loops. That may have helped with the reading skills, but doesn't seemed to have helped much with writing skills.

I decided that I needed to try out one of the ideas in Cs Learning, that is more examples and more lighter weight practice. I made a worksheet for this week’s quiz. The worksheet has four completely worked out array manipulation programs (with outputs provided) and two more sound manipulation programs (for analogous actions as on the arrays), to make clear the connections. There are five more programs that are nearly complete, including all outputs, but with some blanks. The blanks are mostly where range manipulations would take place. The students have to complete the blanks. I’m offering two points each for the 10 blanks, where the first 10 points go towards the quiz grade and the second possible 10 points are bonus points toward the midterm exam. I made very clear that there was no partial credit. The students get them right, or they don’t. I explicitly said that the smartest thing to do is to type in the program, then fill in the blanks such that the output is right. This is a lighter weight activity than programming from scratch.

This is unusual for me, and maybe for other higher-education CS teachers. Worksheets are very common in high schools, and even in higher-education in other STEM disciplines. I’ve seen physics labs and chemistry pre-labs in worksheet formats. I can’t remember seeing them in CS, but I’m sure that somebody has done them. What I’m doing here is something that K-12 teachers are taught to do: See a particular learning problem, then find or invent an activity to address that problem. This is the first time I’ve created a worksheet as that activity. In CS, we tend to assign some more programming to address a learning problem. I’m looking for something with less cognitive load: More example, and more lightweight practice. I’m still figuring out how I’ll evaluate if this worked. My guess is that I’ll have a slightly more heavyweight version of this on next week’s quiz, e.g., I provide a partial program, with inputs and outputs specified, and I’ll ask them to fill in the rest of the program. That will give me a sense if they’re developing the writing skills I hope to see.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

Thursday, 13 September 2012

New book on integrating technology: The Learning Edge: What Technology Can Do to Educate All Children

I liked this review of the new book by Brain & Weston, in that it’s referencing Seymour Paperless explanation for what happened to Logo. Rather than becoming something to think with, Logo became something to be taught. That shift of focus from tool to goal led to Logo’s downfall, because that raises the question, “Well, if we add this learning goal, what has to go? The curriculum is already packed!” That’s a zero-sum game. But if instead, the question is, “What can we teach better or differently with the tool?” then we’re about increasing and improving learning, not pushing something out.

Technology in education has increased exponentially over the past years, but has it really impacted student achievement? If so, why standardized tests such as PISA or TIMES don’t reflect this? Technology adoption by itself is not enough to ensure improvement on students, this seems to be very clear nowadays. So what makes the difference? The approach proposed by Dr. Brain and Dr. Weston changes the paradigm. It’s not about aces, it’s about use of technology. It’s not about substituting books for digital content, but empowering teachers on what they do before, in and after the classroom. How effective feedback and practices can be scaled through technology. Technology becomes the tool, not the end. The book is very approachable and easy to read, with great examples that really help illustrate the theory and implementation. This is a must read, I strongly recommend it to anyone interested in educational reform and how to implement such reform.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

Teaching the teachers of end-user programmers

Greg Wilson is teaching an exciting new course for the Mozilla Foundation — he’s aiming to teach-the-teachers, helping groups that are teaching end-user programmers. What do we know about how novices learn webcraft and programming, and how can we apply that knowledge to teaching free-range learners?

Right now, people all over the world are learning how to write programs and create web sites, but or every one who is doing it in a classroom there are a dozen free-range learners. This group will explore how we, as mentors, can best help them. Topics will include:

What does research tell us about how people learn? Why are the demographics of programming so unbalanced? What best practices in instructional design are relevant to free-range learners? What skills do people need in order to bake their own web? How are grassroots groups trying to teach these things now? What’s working and what isn’t?

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

InfoWorld Programming trends: Education matters less, more JVM/JavaScript-target languages

I found this piece at Infoworld really interesting. Originally, I was going to blog on it because of the growing trend of languages that target the JVM or JavaScript — what are the implications about Java and JavaScript when there’s so much interest in creating specialized languages on top of them? But then I got to Programming Trend #8 and realized that this was really a piece for us to talk about — does traditional computing education matter anymore?

Ask any project manager and they’ll say there’s not enough talent from top-tier computer science departments. They may go so far as to say they would hire a new CS major from a top school without reading the résumé. But ask this same desperate project manager about a middle-aged programmer with a degree from the same school, and they’ll hesitate and start mumbling about getting back to you later. Indeed, it isn’t unheard of to find major technology companies complaining to Congress that they can’t find Americans capable of programming, all while defending themselves in age-discrimination lawsuits from older programmers with stellar résumés and degrees from top universities.

Some of this may suggest that education doesn’t have the same value it used to hold. Older workers with degrees that used to be valuable are saying companies want only young, unfettered bodies that will work long hours. It leaves you to wonder whether it’s the age and implied lower pay expectations, not the knowledge that makes fresh college graduates so desirable.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

The Economist letters on how to improve UK CS education

An interesting set of letters exploring the question, “Where is Britain’s Bill Gates?” Below, the current chair of the ACM Education Board (Andrew McGettrick of Strathclyde) and the past chair of the Ed Board (Eric Roberts of Stanford) address that question and “Why doesn’t the UK have many IT-oriented startups?“

British universities produce too few graduates with the special software-development skills that drive the high end of the industry. Universities in Britain find it harder than their American counterparts to develop innovative teaching and curriculums because of national benchmarks that are often highly prescriptive. Such benchmarks force universities to rely on written exams to measure achievement, which can undermine the all-important spirit of innovation and creativity. Written exams are rarely the best measure of software expertise.

Speaking last year to students at Stanford, Mark Zuckerberg said that he likes hiring Stanford graduates because “they know how to build things.” If British universities could focus more of their attention on teaching students to write applications at the leading edge of the technological revolution, the budding Bill Gateses of Britain would have an easier time of it.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

Open Education: “The whole model hinges on excellent assessment”

I agree with this claim. That’s the real trick: How do you know that the students learned what they were supposed to learn? We know that self-assessment is a bad way of judging that learning. That’s the contribution that I see the Stanford AI class making – doing assessment, at least in the form of quizzes.

And the education could be far cheaper, because there would be no expensive instructor and students could rely on free, open educational resources rather than expensive textbooks. Costs to the student might include the assessment and the credits.“The whole model hinges on excellent assessment, a rock-solid confidence that the student has mastered the student-learning outcomes,” the memo says. “If we know with certainty that they have, we should no longer care if they raced through the course or took 18 months, or if they worked on their courses with the support of a local church organization or community center or on their own. The game-changing idea here is that when we have assessment right, we should not care how a student achieves learning. We can blow up the delivery models and be free to try anything that shows itself to work.”

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

2011 McGRAW PRIZE IN EDUCATION to Mitchel Resnick for Scratch

I like the way the McGraw Prize in Education is framed, and congratulate Mitchel Resnick on receiving the award for his work on Scratch. “Technology in education is a great catalyst for change — for creating, managing, and communicating a new conception of learning,” said Mr. McGraw. “This year’s Harold McGraw Prize winners are the embodiment of the transformative impact of technology on improving education. Their innovations are enabling students to learn at their own pace and empowering teachers to inspire and coach.”

Mr. McGraw said, “Digital learning is the opportunity of the century. For many students around the world, technology makes education more accessible, adaptable and affordable. We applaud these exceptional leaders for guiding the way and enriching the lives of so many students.”

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

S Education Act introduced into Congress

Exciting to hear that CS education is getting this kind of attention. I’d love to actually see what’s in the bill. Anybody know how to find the text? To reverse these troubling trends and prepare Americans for jobs in this high-wage, high-growth field, the Computer Science Education Act will:
  1. Ensure computer science offerings are an integral part of the curriculum;
  2. Develop state computer science standards, curriculum, and assessments;
  3. Improve access to undeserved populations;
  4. Create professional development and teacher certification initiatives, including computer science teacher preparation programs in higher education;
  5. Form a commission on computer science education to bring states together to address the computer science teacher certification crisis; and,
  6. Establish an independent, rigorous evaluation of state efforts with reporting back to Congress and the administration.
Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

Technology can help Universities with specialized programs, not with undergraduates

An interesting take, from the NY Times, on how Stanford’s president sees the on-line Stanford AI class experiment. The virtual campus is for “specialized programs,” for going beyond the undergraduate experience. The evidence that technology leads to better learning isn’t there, and the undergraduate experience is better face-to-face. Further, Universities need the money — someone has to pay for the content.

The market for “continuing education” is potentially much larger than undergraduate. After those four years of college, there are a lot more years in a rapidly-changing workplace. Maybe that’s where the real money lies? Could providing the on-going, lifelong learning be the place where some of the costs for the face-to-face undergraduate education are carried? Maybe the content gets paid for by the lifelong learners, and the undergrads get it at reduced cost? Recall what John Daniel said about the US Open University — it failed because it went after undergraduate first, not graduate.

John Hennessy, Stanford’s president, gave the university’s blessing to Thrun’s experiment, which he calls “an initial demonstration,” but he is cautious about the grander dream of a digitized university. He can imagine a virtual campus for some specialized programs and continuing education, and thinks the power of distributed learning can be incorporated in undergraduate education — for example, supplanting the large lecture that is often filled with students paying more attention to their laptops. He endorses online teaching as a way to educate students, in the developing world or our own, who cannot hope for the full campus experience.

But Hennessy is a passionate advocate for an actual campus, especially in undergraduate education. There is nothing quite like the give and take of a live community to hone critical thinking, writing and public speaking skills, he says. And it’s not at all clear that online students learn the most important lesson of all: how to keep learning. As The Times’s Matt Richtel recently reported, there is remarkably little data showing that technology-centric schooling improves basic learning. It is quite possible that the infatuation with technology has diverted money from things known to work — training better teachers, giving kids more time in school.

THE Stanford president is hardly a technophobe. Hennessy came up through computer engineering, used his sabbatical to start a successful microprocessor company, and sits on the boards of Google and Cisco Systems. “In the same way that a lot of things go into the cost of a newspaper that have nothing to do with the quality of the reporting — the cost of newsprint and delivery — we should ask the same thing about universities,” Hennessy told me. “When is the infrastructure of the university particularly valuable — as it is, I believe, for an undergraduate residential experience — and when is it secondary to the learning process?” But, he notes, “One has to think about the sustainability of all these things. In the end, the content providers have to get paid.”

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

Why we ought to teach Java: ComThere is No Profit in Education, No Competitive Advantage to Better Learning.puting education and social practice

I like the way the McGraw Prize in Education is framed, and congratulate Mitchel Re snick on receiving the award for his work on Scratch. “Technology in education is a great catalyst for change — for creating, managing, and communicating a new conception of learning,” said Mr. McGraw. “This year’s Harold McGraw Prize winners are the embodiment of the transformative impact of technology on improving education. Their innovations are enabling students to learn at their own pace and empowering teachers to inspire and coach.”

Mr. McGraw said, “Digital learning is the opportunity of the century. For many students around the world, technology makes education more accessible, adaptable and affordable. We applaud these exceptional leaders for guiding the way and enriching the lives of so many students.”

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Web Site:-http://www.gyapti.com
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Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

CS Education Act aims to boost K-12 computer science education: It’s about time

The increased interest in CS education is terrific — computing is critical to our society and our infrastructure, and there are more jobs than graduates. Understanding computing is critical for innovation in every domain. It’s a shame that it has to come as an add-on. Computer science should be part of every discussion about science or mathematics education, or STEM education generally. Creating more and better educated computer scientists (and computing literate citizenry, across professions) is as important as having more and better educated scientists and engineers (and having a science and mathematics literate citizenry).

The Computer Science Education Act, according to Polish, would help train American students for the more than 1.5 million high-paying computing jobs expected to be created in the United States by 2018. The bill, he said, aims at helping states increase and strengthen their computer science offerings. If passed, states will receive at least $250,000 in planning grants, according to Polish’ office.At the University of Colorado, school leaders are proposing a second undergraduate degree program in computer science to increase the number of students in the field, and the Boulder Valley School District has several advanced computer classes available for students. Polish’ legislation would require that states develop computer science standards and curriculum and form a commission to bring states together to address the shortage in computer science teachers.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Fixing Our Math Education with Context

Sounds pretty similar to the contextualized computing education that we’ve been arguing for with IPRE and Media Computation. The argument being made here is another example of the tension between the cognitive (abstract conceptual learning) and the situative (integrating students into a community of practice).

A math curriculum that focused on real-life problems would still expose students to the abstract tools of mathematics, especially the manipulation of unknown quantities. But there is a world of difference between teaching “pure” math, with no context, and teaching relevant problems that will lead students to appreciate how a mathematical formula models and clarifies real-world situations. The former is how algebra courses currently proceed — introducing the mysterious variable x, which many students struggle to understand. By contrast, a contextual approach, in the style of all working scientists, would introduce formulas using abbreviations for simple quantities — for instance, Einstein’s famous equation E=mc2, where E stands for energy, m for mass and c for the speed of light.

Imagine replacing the sequence of algebra, geometry and calculus with a sequence of finance, data and basic engineering. In the finance course, students would learn the exponential function, use formulas in spreadsheets and study the budgets of people, companies and governments. In the data course, students would gather their own data sets and learn how, in fields as diverse as sports and medicine, larger samples give better estimates of averages. In the basic engineering course, students would learn the workings of engines, sound waves, TV signals and computers. Science and math were originally discovered together, and they are best learned together now.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

UK CS graduates are more unemployed than average 4 years out, and fewer go into education

To start with, it’s terrific that someone is actually trying to measure this. What happens to graduates four years after earning their first degrees? The UK has just come out with their report on what has happened to students who graduated 2006/2007. The results are surprisingly negative, summarized below. CS graduates are more unemployed than the average. They had a higher percentage of graduates in full-time employment, but a lower proportion of graduates who have returned for further studies. An interesting finding not in the summary below: 53.9% of CS graduates who returned for graduate study chose a field other than CS.

I dug deeper into the stats. Table 17 in the report lists where those students went that returned for graduate studies. 11.7% of CS grads who return to school go into Business.Only 7.9% of CS graduates went on for post-graduate work in education, compared to 9.9% of Bio graduates, 11.4% of Law grads, and 9.1% of Engineering grads. That’s an interesting finding for this blog — a smaller proportion of CS majors go back to become teachers. I’d love to know what the US stats are for this! The UK’s Higher Education Statistics Authority (HESA) has just published its longditudinal survey into the destinations and expectations of graduates from 2006/07.

By the winter of 2010/11, of all graduates from full-time courses in that year, just 3.8% were unemployed. But for computer science graduates the figure was a much higher 5.1%. Interestingly, the survey also shows just 3.7% of computer scientists remained (or were back) in full-time further study – compared to an average of 8.2% for all graduates. It’s not all bad news, 81.5% of computer science graduates were in full time employment four years on from their degree, compared to just 73.2% of all graduates. For maths graduates the figure is 73.1% and for physical science graduates it is just 66.0% – though a whopping 19.8% of them are in full-time education.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

The role of single-gender schools in promoting STEM graduates

This op-ed from the President of Bryan-Mar is about all kinds of STEM, but the discussed example is a computer science student. I got the chance to visit Bryan-Mawr recently and really enjoyed it. The students are sincerely excited about what they’re studying, far more than most students I see at Georgia Tech. What’s the role of being a single-gender school in that? I also visited at Waterford the same week, and found similar excitement. Is it the liberal arts school culture, the small school culture, or the single-gender school?

When I asked Barb about this, she reminded me of the findings from our Georgia Computes workshops. The mixes of gender matters. For example, if a female is leading a mixed gender workshop, the boys change their attitudes about whether girls can do programming — but not if a male leads the workshop. She says that she finds that the girls enjoy the robot workshops more when the boys aren't there, because if the boys are there, they hog the robots and the girls don’t get a chance. Girl Scouts and Girls Inc are better settings for robot workshops for girls than are mixed-gender summer camps.

At Bryan Mar we want to engage all types of students in STEM coursework and believe they all can succeed. Offering students a variety of entry points into the sciences allows those who arrive at college with advanced preparation to enroll in higher-level courses that immediately challenge them, while students who have had negative prior experiences in STEM coursework or poor preparation can take and enjoy courses at various points in the introductory level. An institution can also use innovative pedagogy that teaches the applications of science to attract more students to STEM subjects. For example, in introductory courses in computer science at Bryan Maw, students apply CS principles to create graphic design projects. Across the sciences, our lab exercises focus on problem-solving rather than the execution and replication of a series of instructions.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

The long tail may not hit a target: High school teachers

I’m attending the NSF CE21 Community meeting this Thursday and Friday. I have been asked to lead a session on Friday afternoon on distance education in CS for teachers. I was encouraged to talk about just a couple concrete examples, then leave the session open for discussion. The question is which examples? Here’s a more specific question that leads to this blog post: Are the on-line Stanford CS classes a good example to talk about? Clearly, they are a highly innovative example of distance education for computer science. But is it relevant for teaching high school teachers for the CS10K effort?

First of all, was the audience for the Stanford CS classes like the audience of potential CS10K teachers? I’m not convinced. First, when I read the comments to posts about the the Stanford classes, or Fred Martin’s post, I’m struck by how many people took the courses who already knew the content. They were curious about the course, or wanted a refresher. I wonder how many of the students who finished were novices to the content, and how many were old-timers? My guess is that the average completer in the Stanford classes was a lot more CS-savvy than a business teacher who had never taken a CS class.

Second, was the method of teaching right for reaching in-service high school teachers? I don’t think that the medium of the Stanford CS classes would work, at least as-is. I read the comments to my post about the effort required in classes like these, and I think about Karla Benda’s study. The people who dropped the course aren't saying it was too hard. They’re saying it took too much time, the pace was too demanding. I can’t imagine that the technology behind the Stanford classes demands rapid pace, but it’s clear that the pace was an issue for some of those who dropped out. High school teachers don’t have the spare cycles for that rapid pace — Klaus study has us realizing that we get small chunks of an in-service teacher’s time in which we can provide learning opportunities.

What I’ve come to realize is that the Stanford classes were successful as a long tail effect. They enrolled a couple hundred thousand students, and some 20% finished. When you look at the big number of finishers, which is way more than probably all other students in all other AI classes in the world combined, it’s really quite remarkable. On the other hand, 80% didn't finish, and it may be that the students we most need to succeed for CS10K were in that 80%. A long tail effect can get you large numbers, but perhaps, none of the numbers that you might be targeting. A long tail covers a wide swath of the distribution of people, but those that you hit (who complete the course) are not necessarily randomly distributed. More likely, the course acts as a filter on the long tail and filters everyone who doesn't meet a particular set of criteria. It may be possible to use a long tail approach and hit the target population you want to reach. But it’s not a sure thing.

I am not claiming that the Stanford AI classes were trying to reach teachers for CS10K. I am looking at that innovative work with a different filter. I’m exploring the question of how well that innovation meets the CS10K goals. As part of my talk preparation, I’m revisiting John Daniel’s book Mega-Universities and Knowledge Media. It’s an older book now (1999), but they report that the UK Open University with its reliance on printed books had over a 50% completion rate on average across their classes. I hope that advanced Internet technologies would lead to even better completion rates.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

Indiana is hiring in CS Education research!

I can’t remember ever before seeing “Computer Science education research” listed as a hiring focus area for a research-based CS department. ”Joint with the School of Education” is a major benefit. Indiana has a strong learning sciences program. A joint position means that you can hire and advise either CS or Education students,and you get access to top-notch faculty colleagues on either side. Another sign that we’re growing up as a field.

The School of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University, Bloomington, invites applications for five positions beginning in Fall 2012, in the areas of:
  • Bioinformatics
  • Computer Science (all subareas)
  • Computer Science education research (joint position with School of Education)
  • Computer Security
  • Social Informational
The School expects continued hiring in the coming years. Positions are open at all levels. Applicants should have a Ph.D.in the relevant area and a well-established record (senior level) or demonstrable potential for excellence in research and teaching (junior level).

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

Monday, 10 September 2012

Heading to International Computing Education Research 2011 in Rhode Island: How CS students choose Threads

I’m heading out Sunday for the 2011 International Computing Education Research (ICER) Workshop, hosted by Dr. Kate Sanders at Rhode Island College in Providence. The schedule is exciting — we have a bunch of speakers from communities who have been doing CS Ed research, but have not been at ICE previously. (“Workshop” is ACM’s name for a small conference.) I’m chairing the discussion papers session. I’m looking forward to Eric Maurois keynote (who has a new educational technology that he’s promoting), and his advice from the Physics Education Research community to the much-younger Computing Education Research community.

The second talk of the conference is from my PhD student, Mike Hewer (same student who previously studied what game developers look for in graduates). Mike’s dissertation research is asking, “How do computer science undergraduates define ’computer science,’ and how does their definition influence their educational decisions?” He’s using grounded theory, which is a demanding social science method. He’s done about a dozen interviews so-far, and has not yet reached “saturation” (where new interviews don’t contribute to the developing theory), so the current theory is still considered “tentative.” This paper is one piece of that work.

In most CS degree programs, there are some options for students: Choices between electives, between specialization paths, between Threads. Mike wanted to know how students made those choices. Several findings surprised me. First, studentship ”begin with the end in mind.” Students he interviewed had little idea what job they wanted, and if they did, they didn't really know what the job entailed. Second, students don’t think that the choice of specialization is all that important — they figure that they’re at a good school, they trust the faculty, so whatever choice they make will turn out fine. Finally, an engaging, fun class can dramatically influence students’ perception of a field. A “fun” theory class can convince students that they like theory. Their opinion of the subject is easily swayed by the qualities of the class and the teacher. “Why are you in robotics (even though it doesn’t have much to do with what you say you want to do for your job)?” “Well, I really liked the robots we used in CS101…”

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com