Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Online Learning and Training

Often referred to as elearning or, computer based training, online learning covers all sorts of educational concepts using a wide range of techniques and technologies. From children’s school curriculum to adult online training and including games, websites, online, on DVD or via interactive whiteboards, we provide customised elearning development solutions for any education requirement.

Powerful and engaging when combined with animation and motion graphics, our elearning solutions cater for a wide range of industries and help our clients save money and increase training efficiencies. We have dedicated instructional designers that are experienced at working with subject matter experts to ensure that learning online is effective and rewarding. Brisbane’s leading elearning developers, we excel in creating outstanding content. Our elearning content development team uses interactive techniques combined with animation and graphics to create a customised online training solution to meet any need.

Supported by our interactive marketing and website development expertise, we also understand the promotional challenges and opportunities that face elearning projects. Therefore, our elearning strategies are well rounded and include interface design techniques that engage users and focus on achieving effective elearning outcomes.

Some of our services are listed below.
  • Online Training
  • eLearning Strategy
  • Instructional Design
  • Educational Games
  • Serious Games
  • Curriculum Materials
  • Content Development
  • Interactive Whiteboard Content
  • Language Education
  • Online Compliance Training
  • Online Induction Training
  • Online Workplace Safety Training
  • Computer Based Simulations
  • Learning Management Systems
  • Online Learning Strategy
  • 3D animation
  • 2D animation
Video and DVD Production
We work closely with subject matter experts in defining elearning outcomes. Through educational scaffolding, instructional design and user centered design techniques, we develop effective educational products that appeal to learners of all ages. Our elearning content development team has over ten years experience and an impressive track record of success. Our instructional designers and elearning developers are eager to extend their skills to new opportunities and challenges.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Web Site:-http://www.gyapti.com
Blog:- http://gyapti.blogspot.com
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

E-learning: The Metamorphosis

Ayan Muse is a female journalist in war-torn Somalia, Africa, working as a reporter for a magazine focusing on HIV/AIDS. Initially professionally unprepared and lacking basic journalistic skills, she enrolled in the 12-month e-learning certificate course in Journalism through the African Virtual University (AVU) that is supported by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the World Bank. She is now considered well-trained for her job.

In May 2007, the ‘One Laptop per Child’, the brainchild of Nicholas Negroponte became a reality, with the help of designers at MIT – Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as children in Uruguay began to learn via laptops. In Nepal, where 70% of all women and 35% men in the country were illiterate, an educational initiative called ‘Room to Read’ paved way for students to instantly reach the world via internet through Skype and Google in October 2009. These are striking instances that show how ICT-enhanced learning or e-learning as it is commonly known, is supporting educational initiatives in nations with disadvantaged higher education facilities, and allowing them to compete with other nations of the world.

Vital educational tool of the 21st century
The only constant thing in the world is change. Changes in the nature of the Internet; demographics of the student population and a shift towards a more consumer-centric society have provided an environment conducive for a student-centric approach to learning. E-learning, in its fifteen odd years of existence, has grown from a revolutionary concept to becoming the fastest growing trend in education. Typically, E-learning is characterized by lack of face to face interaction. Students submit assignments electronically, and work in virtual teams for their projects. E-learning management systems such as Blackboard, WebCT, Desire2Learn or Moodle help delegate assignments and groups, and other communication tools facilitate individual and group discussions among students and the instructor.

Providing universal education
In the global scenario, E-learning offers students, who do have access to traditional teaching centers, opportunities to reach out to communicate with their peers from across the globe, in both informal and formal teaching and learning environments, thus making them feel part of the ‘next-gen’. E-learning is also contributing to a ‘trickle-down’ effect on education, with successful examples such as Rural Wings, an international research project on e-learning through satellite telecommunications. The project provides broadband e-learning-services for rural and isolated areas in thirteen countries all over Europe. It proposes to develop a "digital" culture in rural areas by using e-learning applications in schools, workplaces and homes.

E-learning places the control of learning in the hands of the learner, and significantly blurs the distinction between the teacher and student. The emphasis is on ‘CATNIP’ – the acronym for a ‘creating, accessing, trying, networking, intending, and performing’, through activities, projects, networking, and mentoring. A fine example of this is MERLOT – the Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching for Higher Education. MERLOT is a user-centered, searchable collection of online learning materials, where faculty, staff, and students from around the world share their learning materials and teaching methodology. Educators have also started evincing keen interest in blogging and podcasting. McMaster is a broadcasting site where engineering professors host an online show.

Social Element
Online tutoring marketplaces like ‘Teacheo’ allow experts in particular field share knowledge with or teach others in virtual classrooms. This is especially important for knowledge-sharing between people physically remote from one another, or those who cannot afford to travel. Sites such as ‘Teacheo’ thus also acts as a catalyst in reducing social isolation.

A personal portfolio tool
The new age E-learning tools enable students to have their own personal place to create and showcase their work. Some e-portfolio applications, such as ELGG and IMS Global, help provide an opportunity to students to collect, and share their views on documents and sources of information; thus furthering their professional and scholarly competence.

The Metamorphosis
In times to come, the demand for higher education will only escalate in the world’s populous nations. With the supply of E-learning remaining embryonic in many developing nations, the answer would be to make E-learning high on their government agenda. Its time the cocoon of E-learning emerged from its confines and begins its metamorphosis.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

E-learning Versus Classroom Learning

E learning has been part and parcel of education and training in the western world for many years now. In recent times, since the Internet took the world by storm, online learning has become accessible to people in various parts of the world. Now e-learning has found its way into the educational system of developing nations as well. The advancement in technology and communication has made teaching and training possible anywhere, anytime.

This brings us to the question of how relevant traditional methods of teaching like classroom teaching are in the modern world. Will a teacher or a trainer eventually become dispensable? Will textbooks and other reference books cease to exist? Will there be no schools and colleges in future? Will e-learning companies replace traditional publishing companies? Before we attempt to answer these questions, it is important to understand what it takes to make teaching or training effective? Whether it is traditional classroom instruction or e-learning, the key areas of designing a course and implementation remain the same.

How to bring about effective learning?
A systematic approach is mandatory to any type of instructional design. The major phases of Instructional Systems Development (ISD) are analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Walter Dick and Lou Carrey in their book ‘The Systematic Design of Instruction’ greatly advocate the systems approach model. “A system is technically a set of interrelated parts, all of which work together toward a defined goal. The parts of the system depend on each other for input and output, and the entire system uses feedback to determine if its desired goal has been reached.”

Let us take the simple example of an air conditioner in your home or office. It is made of many components that work together to produce either hot or cool air. The thermostat in an air conditioner acts as a feedback mechanism and once the desired temperature is reached the system shuts itself off. In the same way, the test administered at the end of the course is the feedback mechanism that helps the instructors to determine if the present method of teaching is effective or not. (The Systematic Design of Instruction, (Fifth Edition), Walter Dick and Lou Carrey, Copyright Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers Inc., 2001)

Crossing the Classroom Boundaries
Classroom courses represent the type of learning called formal learning because the learning has stated objectives and is supposed to yield predetermined results.

Formal e-learning
Some forms of e-learning – online education and online training recreate the formal learning experience online. Online education provides adults with limited literacy skills with a safe and patient place to develop basic skills such as reading and mathematical skills. Universities such as Phoenix University and San Diego State University offer online degree and certificate programs. Online training is also a structured event like online education. The only factor that separates online training from education is that the skills and knowledge taught via training are expected to be used immediately.

Informal e-learning
E-learning allows us to explore the potential of informal learning such as Knowledge Management and Electronic Performance Support.

Knowledge Management is basically recorded pieces of corporate information such as
  • policies, procedures and product information
  • documents, reports, presentations and proposals
  • expertise, often recorded in the form of documents like lessons learned, stories and case histories and online interaction with colleagues
  • and can also include online chats, discussions and symposia during which participants can exchange information not yet been recorded.
Electronic Performance Support (EPS) refers to a work environment on a computer in which performers receive assistance. EPS is used in providing information, training, coaching and monitoring needed for support to customers. (Designing E-learning, Saul Carliner, 2002)
Why companies prefer e-learning?
Web Based Training (WBT) is a viable option for many international companies over instructor-led training. Many companies, especially IT ones, prefer online training because they consider it cost and time effective as otherwise people have to meet half way across the world for training On the other hand, classroom training is a very costly business venture, particularly for IT training courses. It requires a staff of highly paid instructors, fully equipped labs, and full-time staff to co-ordinate scheduling of students, instructors, and lab facilities. No-shows, students that don't show up for class, are very common. Printed course materials like textbooks and lab manuals are very expensive, often representing 10-30% of the course cost.
Loose ends in e-learning

E-learning is however not without its weaknesses. WBT places most of the responsibility for learning squarely on the shoulders of the student. Motivated learners do well with online training because it is a stimulating efficient alternative to classroom training, which is often perceived as a waste of time. Unmotivated students either never start or do not finish their online training course. High initial costs, lack of IT infrastructure, lack of adequate computer knowledge in students, little or lack of personal interaction with instructor and other participants are some of the weaknesses of e-learning.

Solution – the blended approach to learning
Many people still consider classroom training as one of the most effective training methods available. In blended learning the strengths of both classroom training and e-learning are utilized.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

10 Instructional Design Tips for Online e-Learning Development

In many ways, good instructional design is just common sense, combined with decades of observation about what works and what doesn't when teaching adult learners. Here are 10 basic tips to sharpen your own training programs:
  • Know your audience. Understand what they bring to the table, and what they need from each course. Determine your audience's education level, entry knowledge, and their goals in taking the course. This will help you identify their performancegap-between what they already know and can do, and what they need to know and be able to do.
  • Use learning (or performance) objectives to nail down what your learners are supposed to know and be able to do, once they have completed the course. Your learning objectives should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant (or Results-oriented), and Targeted to the audience. These learning objectives will help to guide your development of course content and provide a yardstick for measuring how well learners have mastered it.
  • Using these learning objectives as a guide, keep your course content pertinent to the task at hand. Keep the information in your course focused and relevant, with a minimum of extraneous detail. And “chunk” course content into small, digestible bites of information.
  • Use the variety of media available in e-Learning to serve different learning styles, such as auditory and visual learners. Use narration, graphics, and text, but not necessarily all at the same time.
  • Spell out the “WIFM” (What’s in it for me?) for your learners. Adult learners want to know why they are learning something, and how it will help them on the job. This might easily be the most important tip!
  • Adult learners generally prefer to have some-or even a lot-of control over the learning process. They want to take responsibility for their own learning. This favors using self-paced instruction, providing tools for assessing one’s own progress, and implementing the freedom to choose among different learning activities (where possible).
  • Provide a “gate” that learners must pass before they advance to more difficult content. This may be a test, a demonstration, or a role-play activity.
  • Related to the above, if your students possess different backgrounds and levels of experience, consider using a pre-test to “sort them out,” and even allowing the more advanced learners to “opt out” of content that is too elementary for them.
  • Once you have constructed a course, have actual learners, not just other developers, test it. They can provide real-world insight and feedback that you can use to improve the course.
  • Consider developing “job aids,” “cheat sheets,” “quick reference cards,” or other reminders based on your course content, which learners can easily access while they are on the job.
In short, understanding your learners’ needs, and applying common sense to meet them, will dramatically improve your training programs.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

New Answers for E-Learning

With dorm bills and gasoline prices skyrocketing, it's no wonder 3.5 million students are now opting to stay home and take online college courses. Unfortunately, as many of those students have discovered, E-learning courses have disadvantages, too. Online courses often can be more boring and less educational than traditional classes. They also tend to have higher dropout rates and—on average—yield lower grades than regular students get.

That may finally be changing for the better, however, as E-learning is getting an upgrade. Some professors and schools are redesigning their courses to take advantage of the Web's interactive and visual possibilities, adopting some bleeding-edge technologies such as gamelike simulations and digital avatars to make online courses more exciting and more effective than traditional classrooms

Many students even say that a good E-learning course inspires them to work harder. Matt Kerr signed up for an online art history course last year just to satisfy a general education requirement at Sierra College, a community college outside Sacramento, Calif. He was so inspired by teacher Michelle Pacansky-Brock's audio lectures, "VoiceThread" demonstrations, and assignments that opened his eyes to the art around him that he ended up creating an extensive art blog and did "a lot more work than if I was just sitting in a classroom, listening to her," he says. "I really liked it." Researchers say that students who stick to courses that offer several of the E-learning field's best practices can cut their chances of dropping out by as much as 50 percent. Here's their advice on what to look for in an E-learning program.

Accreditation, transferability, and reputation. The federal government won't give financial aid to students attending schools that aren't accredited by an approved organization. It lists all schools' accreditation here: ope.ed.gov/accreditation/. But as one student (who asked not to be named) learned this year, accreditation is just the beginning. Colleges are often picky about which courses they'll accept as transfer credits. He spent $12,000 and a year of his time grinding out papers for one school's online communications courses, then discovered that some of his classes might not be accepted if he wanted to transfer. "I wish I'd researched better," says the 27-year-old Simi Valley, Calif., resident.

Schedule. Some online courses are "synchronous," which means all students must be online at the same time for live discussions or exams. Others allow students to work independently throughout the week but have deadlines for assignments and tests. Still others allow students to work at their own pace and finish the course as quickly, or as slowly, as they like. Researchers say one of the biggest reasons students fail at online courses is that they aren't honest with themselves about how much time they can actually devote each week to an online course and whether they have the discipline to work without traditional course structures.

Technology. A growing number of online courses are requiring students to participate in blogs, wikis, or gamelike simulations. Those activities require students to have good computer skills and access to well-equipped computers with high-speed Internet connections. Students nervous about technology should look for online schools with readily accessible help desks and other technological guidance.

Course design. E-learning students are generally happier with courses that start out with a well-organized and detailed syllabus and clear, logical grading criteria. Karen Swan, who researches online learning at Kent State, says most online students are happier with courses that offer lots of smaller, weekly or biweekly assignments instead of big midterm and final exams.

More—and better—ways of delivering lectures and information. "My pet peeve is professors who just paste PowerPoint slides, a textbook assignment, and a quiz into a course shell in Blackboard" and think they've created a good online course, says Darcy Hardy, who heads the University of Texas's TeleCampus. The best online teachers provide information in many different ways. Sierra College's Pacansky-Brock, who was named 2007's best online professor by the Sloan Consortium, posts her lecture notes, provides audio podcasts, and uses VoiceThread—a new program that allows students to hear her talk and see her draw on and annotate slides of artwork—to get her lessons across.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

Monday, 30 July 2012

Online Education is the Future of Formal Education Standards

Many people find themselves in a difficult situation as they become adults. They discover that a college education is simply not something that seems feasible, and their priority must first lie on finding employment and making a living, in order to survive. During an already struggling economy, many young adults simply do not feel comfortable staying under the protection of their parents while attending college and they make an attempt to be self-sufficient.

Going to college requires a great commitment. It often requires a full time schedule, if the student wants to obtain their degree in a reasonable amount of time. This is where the problem lies, and most young adults find themselves in somewhat of a catch 22 situation. Go to school for the next two to four years and risk not completing because of financial problems, or make an effort to establish an income in hopes that work hours will somehow be manageable with school hours.

Relief is available in the form of easy education opportunities
In recent years, many students are discovering an alternative method to going to traditional campus based colleges. By enrolling into degree programs that are based almost entirely through an online teaching portal, students are able to attend college and regulate their studies and tests to fit their work schedule. This virtually guarantees every single adult the ability to take formal education and still be able to work the hours created by the employers.

Online education has expanded exponentially over the last few years. As colleges began to face declines in enrollment statuses, they realized the predicaments that prospective students were facing. Originally, only a few colleges even offered online education, and the courses offered were either small technical course that held little value or they could only offer a few minor classes, but not an entire course completion. Now, colleges and universities across the country have the technology to offer complete degree programs online and many do not require any class time at all. In fact, the trend nowadays is to set up remote sites if needed for such things as clinical and testing. This unique option gives students the ability to actually attend and obtain degrees from respected colleges across the country, and never have to travel further than their own home town.

Making the commitment is now your responsibility
Adults seeking to obtain an education can no longer use work commitments and limited time as an excuse. Institutions across the country have stepped up to do their part by making an online education available to anyone that chooses to take them up on it. They have proven that they are committed to providing an education by putting forth the time and money to create an educational environment that is suitable to all adults, regardless of their responsibilities. An online education is something within the grasp of each and every American.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

The Future of E-Learning Is More Growth

For those who grew up commuting to a campus every day, the online experience might be a shock. They don't know the difference between a PC or a Mac and are all but clueless about Explorer, Firefox or Linux. If you ask them what kind of software or if they have Wi-Fi and they'll give you a By virtually every measure, electronic learning is experiencing unprecedented growth and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. A new analysis and forecast released this month by research firm Ambient Insight bolstered previous research in this area, showing that electronic learning, by dollar volume, reached $27.1 billion in 2009 and predicting this figure will nearly double that by 2014, with academic institutions leading the way.

According to the report, "The Worldwide Market for Self-paced eLearning Products and Services: 2009-2014 Forecast and Analysis," by 2014, e-learning will reach a dollar volume of $49.6 billion, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.8 percent over five years. The dollar figures in the research included expenditures in five categories of electronic learning technologies, or "self-paced e-learning products." These included: packaged content, custom content development services, learning platform and tool hosting services, authoring software and tools, and installed learning platforms.

Sam Adkins, chief research officer at Ambient Insight, explained that in North America--the largest region for electronic learning--the growth is being driven by academic institutions, both preK-12 and higher education. The report said, "The largest expenditures for packaged content in 2009 were made by the PreK-12 and higher education buyers, which accounted for 43 percent of all North American purchases. These institutions combined outspend the corporations. The higher education segment will be the largest buyer by the end of the forecast period driven by the robust expansion of online programs in both non-profit and for-profit institutions. The for-profit institutions are experiencing an explosion in demand and they are outspending their non-profit counterparts."

North America, the report said, will continue to be the largest e-learning market for the next five years, while Asia, with a "breathtaking" five-year CAGR of 33.5 percent, will edge out Western Europe by 2014 to take the No. 2 slot. In higher education, the current economic situation is helping to fuel the growth, Adkins said, particularly in career and vocational programs. For-profit institutions are dominating online education, owing partly to this trend. The chart below, covering the United States specifically, shows that not only did for-profits dominate in total 2009 enrollments, but they also dominated growth from 2008 to 2009.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

Education Online - Your Bachelor's Degree Awaits You and More Money Does As Well

Are you sick of living from a small paycheck to another small paycheck? Do you have bills that need to be paid and there is no money left after you go through your paychecks? There are many ways to make more money in your lifetime and make it easier on you financially, but getting an education online and ending up with your Bachelor's degree will give you a larger salary and a better life.

You can get your degree without ever going to a classroom one single time. This means that you can make the money you deserve and this will also mean that you will have doors that will be opened for you that you did not even know exist right now. You will not have to be stuck in a dead end job with no real raises and no real money coming your way. No more working for minimum wage.

Your education online will require you to be disciplined and very good at planning your day. You will not have any set class times and it will be up to you to decide when to do your homework. You will have no time frame other than a deadline when things have to be done. This is how you will get your education online and work towards your Bachelor's Degree and open those doors you want to walk through.

This will mean that you can make over $25,000 a year more than those that only have a high school diploma and if you go on to get an advanced degree this is nearly double as much. This will give you a lot more money towards retirement and towards everything else that you and your family need and desire in your lifetime.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

Online Education - Teaching Degree Opportunities

The education of individuals in society is the primary form and most effective way of providing a solid future to upcoming generations. Without this instruction the next generation of people would not have the proper knowledge to function in all the areas of our society. Online study provides education degrees that facilitate the learning process to transform students into educators. Traditionally, education is viewed as teaching individuals from kindergarten through college. Education does fall heavily in this category, but individuals can become educators in many areas outside of the typical classroom. With the industry being so diverse students have multiple options. These options include K-12 education, special education, early childhood education, and adult education. Specializing in these areas can have students earning degrees from an associate's to a doctorate. 

Students should strongly consider what and who they want to teach before enrolling in a program. This choice will make deciding on what online college to attend and what degree level to pursue significantly easier. Beginning an education unprepared can be overwhelming, frustrating and may hurt a student financially if they enter a program too hastily. A student may need to switch to a different concentration after a year or two if they decide another path would be better for them. Thus wasting years of valuable time and money. Taking the time to properly prepare for your career will save you both. Think carefully about the options available because there is something for everyone interested in the field.

One of the most popular degree opportunities in education is K-12. Professionals who have this degree teach kindergarten through twelfth grade. In general, colleges break down K-12 education into four categories, which include early childhood, elementary school, junior high, and high school. Individual degrees will match the subject and grade level a student decides to major in. For example, if a student enrolled in a bachelor's degree program wants to teach English to high school students they would get their degree in English education. Main courses would focus on English with supporting courses preparing students to teach. To teach K-12 in any state students must have a bachelor's degree in their concentrated area.

Earning a degree in adult education prepares students to teach or train adults. This can take place in vocational schools, colleges, and universities. Students can earn this type of degree in the setting and field of their choice. Most adult educators in the profession hold a master's degree or higher. Study includes development of curriculum, communication, and the theory of adult education. Students will learn about administration, how to plan a program, and how to teach adults in a social context. It is common for individuals who have an undergraduate degree in a certain area and work experience to pursue a master's in adult education. For example, a person that has a degree in business can earn a master's in adult education in business. The blend of education and experience will allow this individual to obtain a teaching position within a college or university. Other career opportunities include education administration and corporate training specialists.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

An Online Education in Accounting

Companies and organizations have to be able to manage their money correctly. More importantly they have to be able to look at the funds they have earned and spent in every area of their business. Employers utilize individuals with proficient skills in accounting to help them succeed in this capacity. Accredited online colleges and universities offer different types of educational programs for accounting.

Accounting is the system of recording and analyzing all financial transactions that take place within a company. The established accounting system is a way of presenting the financial status of a company to individuals, employees, and other companies in a professional way. In today's technology driven society accounting is becoming more integrated with technology. As a result, individuals in the industry continue education throughout their career to stay current on new and developing techniques that drive the field of accounting. Interested students can gain an online education by enrolling in a degree program. Students can earn an education in accounting by gaining an associate's degree to a master's degree. Other schooling options include accounting certificates, and students can continue higher education by earning a master of business administration degree. Each available program gives a strong educational base to dedicated students.

An associate's degree prepares students to enter the industry as quickly as possible. This typical two-year program can have students studying foundational principles of accounting. These principles include income tax law and the new regulations set forth by the industry. Graduates will have learned the basic procedures that will enable them to work as tax preparers, auditing clerks, and accounting assistants. A bachelor's degree program will teach students the elements of the auditing process, how to analyze financial information, and apply accounting knowledge to company procedures. A bachelor's degree takes on average four-years to complete. Students will learn how to be successful in the accounting field by taking courses on principles and procedures that include budget planning, tax law, auditing, government regulation, and more.

Students who choose to further their education at the graduate level will dive deeper into how to fulfill their role in accounting as a manager. With a solid foundation in accounting already earned by gaining a bachelor's degree, a master's degree will open more doors of opportunity for students to become experts in a particular area of accounting. A master's degree will enable students to move into careers at the corporate level. These areas can include capital planning and analysis. An online education is a great option for students that cannot take time off of work or put their responsibilities on hold long enough to attend a traditional college. Online training helps already working professionals who want to advance within their career by allowing them to study from home. Those interested in using their skills in math and communication should research accounting degree programs online. Earning an accredited education will increase career options and enable students to step into desired careers.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

Why Online Education is Becoming Popular Today

Online education is becoming popular today. 5 to 10 years ago, this service is not well received by majority of people. Here are the top 4 reasons why online education or e-learning is gaining popularity today:
  • Access to internet is now cheaper and widely available. In some areas, wireless internet connection is provided free. This development gives positive impact to students. Students can access their e-learning portal anytime and anywhere using the free internet connection. This is important because most students had a very tight financial budget.
  • In addition, the connection bandwidth is also better now than before. The e-learning service provider can build comprehensive e-learning products with lot of features and do not have to worry about slow internet connection. Compare to 10 years ago, internet connection bandwidth is very small. E-learning tools that are rich in content and features would face problem to display the content in a timely manner.
  • Students learn faster when they use e-learning portal. Test result is available immediately. Any mistakes in answering the exam questions can be known immediately.
  • One of the best features of online education is the availability of progress report card for both the students and parents. Parent is able to track their children progress online. Therefore, if the parents find the result is not encouraging, they can immediately advice and give encouragement to their children immediately.
Those are the top 4 reasons why online education is gaining popularity nowadays. Advancement in the internet technology and faster connection has improved this industry take up rate among students and parents. Prior to this, no one truly believe online education is a good business.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

Why Study Online?

Why Online Universities? They are working in affiliation with real universities, which give you the opportunity to get a degree online. This is mostly for working people that do not have the time to study full time at a University, also for anyone who would like to become educated. It is very easy to begin studying and can make things a lot easier for you. The main reason for online universities is to get more and more people educated out there. The majority of people do not have the money, or the time to go to real universities. That is why an online university is a big upcoming way to get your degree. There are so many people who want do become educated, and now they can get the education they wanted. It takes a lot of hard work and one should not take studying very lightly.

There are a wide variety of degrees, almost any career field that can be studied. They offer a wide variety of career fields, in collaboration with real universities on the basis of prior learning and experience. You can study either full time or can just be doing prior learning assessment programs. The available degrees that you can do can be a Bachelors, Phd, Masters, Doctorate and even just a High School diploma. There are also certificate and diploma programs available to study. They are dedicated to help you and to give anyone an opportunity to become educated, in whatever career field one might like. It is not time bound, so you can take your time or work through many degrees if you like.

These universities award globally accredited and recognized degrees in affiliation with real universities which is fully accredited by The Accreditation Panel for online Universities and Colleges. There are very flexible study options one can take, weather you want to do one degree of many at once, it is all up to you and what you need to achieve. Affordable tuition fee plans give you the opportunity to work within a small budget to become educated. The approvals to studying at these online universities are fast and it is available within 24 hours. The best part of all is that most of the online universities offer a 24/7 student counselor service for anyone that may be struggling with something.

There are many more advantages to study online, and if anyone should decide to study online, then there are a lot of options to get started. Then again you might ask yourself, why study online? Well they have so much to offer and they are accredited worldwide, very affordable, and easy to begin studying and all your studies are at the comfort of your own home. Think about what you want to become and what you want to achieve in life, maybe it can all happen faster and easier than you thought.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Online Studies - Health Information Technician

Doctors and nurses are extremely busy while working with patients and often times need help with patient records. All data received for a patient has to be accurate and up to date in order to properly care for an individual. Working with patient records to ensure correctness is vital and is a career in itself. Students can enter online health information technology degree programs to become technicians. Studies incorporate how to perform job duties by teaching students the procedures and technology required for the field. Online study is a way for students to enter education that they otherwise could not. The learning process allows students to stay home while they study and continue to work. These aspects facilitate a way for students to learn how to become health information technicians. The responsibility of keeping up with patient's records is by no means a small task.

Making sure that a patient's record is complete incorporates having all information on the appointment, medication, history, and diagnosis. When information is missing or not valid technicians converse with doctors and nurses to obtain correct information. Other more specialized areas can be pursued through online study allowing students to work with information coding and the cancer registry. Coding involves using specific computer software to fill out health costs for insurance companies. Working with the cancer registry has professionals recording patient information into a database that is used by public health agencies. These skills and more can be learned through an online school devoted to teaching students about the industry.

Students can study at the certificate level and work their way up to a master's degree online. Certificate programs are mainly for students that want to transition into the field. An associate's degree is the required minimum to enter the field. At the bachelor's and master's level students learn how to start designing and managing the industry in specific courses. Online studies include math, science, and computer science to enable students to fulfill all work related duties.

Students that are pursuing this career should start education at the associate's degree level. Online study typically lasts two years, which makes entering the field a fast process once studying is underway. Instruction provides courses on medical terminology, diagnostic coding, and pharmacology. Study covers a wide breadth of knowledge preparing students to become well-rounded professionals. Online courses cover how to input data into a computer program and manage the health information according to law. Other focal points acquired enable students to code health data for statistical data and monetary reasons. All these skills work together to promote a general control over data and evaluation of patients. Furthering education prepares students to become leaders in the industry.

Although official certification is not required for work, many employers prefer a registered health information technician. Completing a degree program accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management can help to certify students. Upon completion students can pursue certification as a Registered Health Information Technician from the American Health Information Management Association. Registering can promote advanced career opportunities and work specialization. The work provided by a technician is important to the care of medical patients. This makes earning an online education not only beneficial to students but to patients as well. Students can begin accredited online studies by choosing a health information technician program that will prepare them for work responsibilities.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

Online Education Degrees - A Way of Moving Forward

It has become very common these days to hear slogans such "we now live in the digital age" and "we are now in the information society". This is so, and the exponential growth in the development of Internet and communication technologies have changed forever how we interact with each other and also how life is conducted in many ways... and this is just the beginning.

New technologies have been used increasingly in education and training and the area of distance learning has benefited to a great degree by this process. This is because in the early days, distance learning was almost exclusively by correspondence. As s result of this time lapse in communication between teachers and students, the validity and efficiency of correspondence courses were questioned. Nowadays the Internet combines VOIP technologies for real time telephony, online libraries, chat rooms and online forums to create an atmosphere much like a classroom. Thus allowing direct exchange between teachers and students and among students themselves where doubts can be voiced, questions answered and academic debates can be triggered, monitored and moderated. This has lifted the basic limitations on correspondence courses and has made the online learning process a very dynamic one.

The technology available today makes taking an online education degree a natural option for someone that wishes to try something new, or for someone who finds going to school for lectures to be inconvenient because of work, or family commitments. Online education degrees can be taken in many different fields. Searching for the right institution in terms of cost, teaching methods and quality of education will yield a lot of online schools for you to scrutinize. In the application process make sure that you check the accreditation status of the university and look for former students to check for student satisfaction. These will help guide you to a standard and reputable institution that will provide you with a good learning experience and a valid degree at the end of the process.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

Online Education is Available to Everyone With a Computer

For those who grew up commuting to a campus every day, the online experience might be a shock. They don't know the difference between a PC or a Mac and are all but clueless about Explorer, Firefox or Linux. If you ask them what kind of software or if they have Wi-Fi and they'll give you a glazed look. As for streaming videos? Well, that's great for YouTube, but taking classes with them is a completely alien concept. Still, they know if they continue their education, their ability to advance in this tough economy increases dramatically. They just don't have a clue, or the confidence, about doing it online.

For starters, online colleges have now been at it for several decades. Over this time they've learned how to make accessing their resources as easy as possible for their students, and are more than willing to help. One of the ways they do this is by simplifying their procedures and how class work is done. This includes one's hardware and software. Whatever computer you use should have a modem that has DSL or Wi-Fi. This is standard for any computer, even refurbished ones, out today. Their sites are also readily accessible to any online service you care to use, whether it's America Online, ATT Universe or MSN. It also doesn't matter if your system is PC or Mac.

Probably the most important thing is that all virtual schools use a "course management system", "learning management system" or "virtual learning environment". The main ones are Blackboard, eCollege and Moodle. All these programs are quite intuitive and the school will teach you how to navigate it. Another thing is that all lessons are written with two main word processing systems, Microsoft Word and Adobe. You can tell which is which by the extension on any file. If the file ends with ".Doc," it's Word. If it ends with "PDF," then it's Adobe. All PC's come with Word unless you specifically refuse it. Adobe is free to download. Just don't be surprised if you do crack open an honest-to-goodness book. They still come in handy.

The one thing that online classes do have way over brick-and-mortar schools is its utilization of streaming video and audio podcasts. This is where DSL, Wi-Fi or something similar, becomes important. You need that kind of speed if you want to read your lessons at a proper pace. Slower modems will feel like they take forever. Maybe online school seems something completely alien to a person who never studied at home. At the same time, these institutions have made the software and hardware of virtual learning so easy anyone who now goes on Facebook should have no problem picking it all up. With more and more people going back to school so they can advance in the labor force, online college has had the foresight to make accessing them as easy as possible.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

Friday, 27 July 2012

Nutrition - An Online Educational Opportunity

Today nutrition makes up a huge part of society and a continual focus on being healthy dominates many areas of commercial life. A continual effort from doctors and commercial health push the high benefits of having a balanced nutritional diet. For this reason more online colleges are offering degree distinctions in nutrition. New opportunities to gain an education from an accredited online college are increasingly becoming more prevalent for prospective students

Individuals who have an interest in nutritional health have a wide range of degree programs to choose from that can be obtained online.
  • Individuals educated in nutrition help their client's gain the understanding that a person's health is directly related to what a person puts into their body.
  • The increased awareness of health related to nutrition has sparked people to completely eliminate trans fat from their diets, and fast food restaurants are now required to put nutritional facts on their food labels.
  • Nutritionists in a variety of jobs help people understand the link and medical impact of a good or bad nutritional diet. They introduce the facts related to nutrition to help people spark a healthy change in the way they live their life related to food.
Online opportunities provide prospective students with the ability to obtain a bachelor's degree and master's degree.
  • Doctorate programs in nutrition are relatively new to online study. However, more colleges are adding this degree distinction because of the popularity of the field.
  • Most careers if not all require a nutritionist to have gained at least a bachelor's degree program. A bachelor's degree usually requires a student to study a variety of areas within the industry. These areas can include food, nutrition, dietetics, and more.
  • Nutritionists will learn how to help individuals one on one or create a nutritional program for a group of people.
A bachelor's program in nutrition or holistic nutrition can be earned from a wide range of colleges online.
  • The general requirement for this degree may require around 120 credit hours. Typically credit hours are broken up into two sections. The sections may require a student to take 60 credit hours of general education and 60 hours or core courses specifically for the degree.
  • A course that can be taken is nutrition for women. Through this course students will learn the dietary needs of women by examining the vitamins, minerals, and herbs that specifically affect women and their health. The course will dive into the role of essential fats and ideal amounts of vitamins and minerals for women on a daily balanced nutritional diet. Other courses may include detoxification, weight loss, fitness, weight management, and more.
Bachelor's degree holders in nutrition have more opportunities to gain a higher-level degree from home. Many students go on to gain a master's degree in human nutrition to not only increase their career options but income as well. Students are typically required to complete around 35 credit hours to graduate a master's program. Programs at this level help students prepare for their career by helping them understand how to utilize and apply nutritional procedures within the industry.

Every degree distinction online prepares students with in depth knowledge on how to help individuals with their nutritional diet. Graduated students will be prepared in a number of ways to be successful within their chosen career. Start your education today by utilizing an accredited online degree in nutrition to help you reach your personal career goals. Accredited programs can give students the quality education they desire by earning accreditation from an agency like the Distance Education and training Council (www.DETC.org) and other agencies.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

Online Broadcasting Education Opportunities

The world of communication opens various avenues to pursue for an education. Online education opportunities are making it easier for individuals who need more flexibility to obtain a degree. A broadcasting degree can be obtained from many online accredited colleges, and can prepare students to enter the workforce by teaching them how to be a vital member of the communications industry. There are a number of things to learn prior to enrolling in an educational program.

1. Most online colleges offer degree distinctions for dedicated individuals from an associate's to a bachelor's degree. Some schools go a step further and give the option for students to attend a graduate program. Many of the graduate programs allow students to obtain a master's degree in broadcast journalism. Through each level of education students will learn the ins and outs of news dissemination using audio and video to relay information to an audience.

2. Many of the online distance learning programs provide students with a thorough curriculum. Online broadcasting programs specifically focus their courses to teach students the foundations of the industry, and allow them to experience the fast paced world of technology as it relates to communication through broadcasting. Many of the courses will help students by training them in media issues, production of audio, entertainment, production of video, videography, editing, and more. These skills will help a degree holding individual in the job market because the broadcasting side of communications centers on the knowledge of technology to present news. The ability to use technology to present media in an interesting way is an important factor that online colleges teach in their programs.

3. Students can gain a bachelor's degree in broadcasting from a wide range of online schools. Some colleges specifically focus on the broadcasting degree making each class incredibly focused on the subject. In programs where the main focus is on the broadcasting side of communication courses may be longer, but the program will consist of fewer courses. A student may enroll in a program like this that has 14 courses. These courses can include radio and TV operations, broadcast journalism and news, public relation strategies, and more. Many bachelor's degree programs take four years to complete. However, online courses are taken at an individual pace and some students could finish the program in less time.

4. A four-year program or bachelors' program will prepare students in a variety of ways. In the first year, students will learn about the history, organization, TV, radio, and Internet technologies that make up the industry. This basis is essential for students to understand how all media works together to create broadcasting. The second year of education will have students diving into writing, production, sound design, and more. These aspects will be crucial to show students what it is they will be doing in their chosen career. In the remaining two years students will work in a variety of ways to create examples of their work to be used in a professional portfolio. A portfolio is important because it provides samples of your work to potential employers.

Gaining an accredited online education in broadcasting leaves multiple career options open. Broadcasting includes a wide range of jobs like TV reporting, sports reporting, camera work, audio work, and much more. Accreditation is provided to schools and colleges that meet certain criteria. Full accreditation can provide proof that a quality education is available. Agencies like The Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training (www.accet.org) and other agencies are approved to accredit educational training programs. Don't let your passion of technology or news pass you by. Search online colleges for a program that fits your career goals.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

Changing Scenario of Online Education

Online MBA Universities in India have become a popular option among the youth today. Numerous online MBA universities in India are offering a wide variety of management courses of different sorts. For those who want to work while studying, online MBA University is the best option to take up. These universities also have a very strong faculty. Nowadays, open learning colleges and universities in India are not looked down upon; they are at par with other regular colleges. Symbiosis University has earned a distinctive name for its distant education programs. Lot of International students today have been opting for colleges in India especially DU, JNU, Symbiosis, IGNOU etc.

Distance learning MBA business schools in India have become very popular and probably the most preferred form of education in the past few years. Numerous online MBA business schools in India have sprung up all over the country providing various MBA courses in different fields like Marketing, HR, Finance, Media Management, IT, Insurance & Banking, Retail Management, International Relations, etc. Several Indian universities have gained significant recognition for their MBA courses like Symbiosis, IIM's, FMS, IIPM, IMT, etc. Most of these online business schools in India are also offering a varied range of education programs for the convenience of their students.

Distance learning MBA courses have certain advantages which are compelling factors for the professionals and students to choose the online medium over the traditional ones.
  • Time factor - This is one of the biggest factors especially for working professionals. They can log on at any time of the day and study online without actually going to an institution and studying. This is actually a huge advantage.
  • Cost factor - Still now, an online MBA course is cheaper than a regular one. The reduced cost can be accredited to lesser infrastructure needed as well as other support functions necessary in the traditional setup.
  • Access anywhere - Students get access to the lectures and the study material anywhere in the world if they have access to the internet. They can even sit in their homes and study.
  • Collaborative - This whole system of online education is very interactive and also collaborative. Students have forums where they can chat among themselves and also discuss problems with their professors.
  • International faculty - This form of education generally is endowed with a faculty which is beyond geographical barriers. This is also an added advantage.
Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Online Education Rocks

Amalgamation of technology and education has given rise to innovative and qualitative study support known as elearning. Also refereed as online education, it epitomizes anytime, anywhere study support for students. It has swayed the entire learning process and made the study support available in real time, round the clock. No doubt, online education has fulfilled the ever-increasing requirements of students who are often termed as impatient and uncompromising on quality.

The reasons behind the soaring demand of online education are many but the most noteworthy is the convenience associated with it. As mentioned, online education is technology driven learning that also keeps the modern generation abreast with the usage of information technology. Accessible to the students after the school hours, in real time online education has proved to be a boon for the knowledge seekers. Back from school, when students sit for self-study, they often get entwined in cobweb of questions. The topics taught in the classroom seems confusing to them. They look for quality study material and in turn often opt for private tuitions. But, still do not get one stop solution as per their wish. Here comes online education that has revolutionised the learning process. Logging on to reliable online education website provides them enough study support from the comfort of their home.

Flexibility is another important facet of online education that has made it popular among students. They are given a power to access the study material anywhere, anytime. Available beyond the boundary of time and place, online education helps a student to plan the studies. In turn, it has made learning more convenient and accessible for them. Online education also creates an interaction platform where a student communicates with certified subject experts from across the world. Students residing in small towns are greatly benefited through this interactive online tutoring. Getting homework help and simple explanations of complex topics in real time through virtual classes helps a student to score extra marks and improve the academic performance. Moreover, interaction and discussion through virtual platform with a community of learners and educators beyond the geographical boundaries increases the educational experience of a student.

What else can be a best option for a student to study from the readymade learning modules instead of making notes? Various learning modules that are designed in simple and hierarchical format are made available to a student 24*7. All the learning modules are mapped to the class, subject, chapter and topic making learning simple and easy. Further, usage of instructional media in study modules makes learning more interesting and innovative. Availability of sample papers, practice papers, online tests and many other assessment tools helps one to gauge the understanding of the concept. All these test materials with their correct answers are available online at one stop. Students can take their test by selecting a subject, chapter, topic as well as difficulty level and have an insight into their proficiency. Thus online education not only helps a student to learn at their convenience but also assess their preparation. And last but not the least, online education is less time consuming as a student is not required to commute to study centres. This in turn enables a student to concentrate on the studies and learn effectively at own time, pace and convenience.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Web Site:-http://www.gyapti.com
Blog:- http://gyapti.blogspot.com
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

Online Education: Revolutionizing Learning

Our world is changing perceptibly everyday. The technological boom has revolutionized the way humans function. Innovative methods are emerging to substitute the traditional ways of working. We can discern perceptible change in the education sectors, wherein both students and educators are turning to information and technology to improve the quality and speed of learning.

Education has entered a new phase where Internet is fast becoming an important supplement to the traditional means of education like textbooks and classrooms. In the past decade, the shortcomings of classroom learning have become more evident. As a result, the youth is turning towards online guidance to help them cope with the excessive workload, which has eventually made elearning, live virtual class, online tutor and discussion forums as popular study choices of today’s generation.

Education is an investment for future. And online education is the most rapidly growing dimension of the education sector. Higher educational institutes have increasingly embraced online education and the number of students enrolled in distance programs is rapidly rising in colleges and universities throughout the world. The many advantages of online education have made it an indispensible tool in today’s age. It help provides an unmatched autonomy to the learners. With increasing competition, additional professional qualifications have become mandatory and online courses provide an easy option to pursue the desired additional course with ease. Even the online study materials are easily accessible from anywhere, anytime.

The best part about online education is that the classes are quite flexible which even give students the power to control their learning environment, as in moving through their syllabus at their own pace. This nullifies the need for private tutoring as students can easily access the educational sites to get immediate assistance from online tutors. Round the clock availability of online help makes for a thorough understanding of complex subjects, thus, helping the student in securing that crucial extra mark. The convergence of Internet and education has made learning possible anytime, anywhere. Due to Internet technology, the learning process has become decentralized. Students can live in a remote village but even then can have easy access to the pioneers and experts in whatever field of knowledge they want. This gives them both cost effective and flexible learning support right from the comfort of their homes.

Not only this, online education also incorporates innovative learning tools which make studying out an out a fun process. The elements incorporated in virtual teaching help in transforming any moron subject material, subject and topic into an intriguing one. It’s true that online education offers good quality multimedia tools to make studying a better experience. Infact, the additional usage of colors, images, figures, videos and audio help make difficult concepts all the more interesting and easy to memorize. This approach to study definitely increases the attention span, thus, improving the recall speed and better retention. Afterall, making learning more fun -- or interesting -- is what makes it more effective.  Online education facilitates a more interactive learning environment as students can easily avail the Class on Demand service to interact with the online tutor and as well discuss their doubts and queries without hesitation. These online tutors provide both academic support and counseling to motivate the students who later on try giving their best shot by excelling in their academic pursuits.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

Online Study, An Excellent Way Of Learning Round The Clock

Competitive outlook, craving for more information and zeal to outshine in the academics has always been the key requirements of knowledge seekers. Moreover, with the integration of learning and technology, Gen X is looking for more from different quarters of education world. They do not want to constrict themselves to a specified study support that they get in their schools but yearn to explore more and expand their knowledge base. They have become the masters of their own world and vie for quality study support beyond the boundaries of a school. In search of real time study support, online study is becoming the foremost choice of net savvy generation. They find Internet like a treasure house that has solutions to all their queries. Moreover, today the information technology has embraced learning processes and given rise to innovative elearning method that students are actively opting. This new age learning method is not only qualitative but also economical.

What Is Online Study
Online study if explained in simple terms is the usage of computer and Internet to avail study support anywhere, anytime. Here learners are given a free will to decide the comfort and pace of their learning process. They can schedule their learning hours as per their convenience. Students can avail the study support round the clock and strengthen their concepts to score extra marks in the exams.

Why Online Study Is Scoring Over Private Tuitions
After school study support has always been the requirement of students to learn more. With the passage of time and advent of information technology, this support is just transgressing from private tuition centres to online study support. The reason behind this move is the convenience in terms of time, cost and energy that is lacking in private tuitions. Today a student can unearth lots of information and access standardised study modules through online study. Moreover, the process proves a boon to the students especially when exam fever grips them and they do not want to waste any time in travelling to the tuition centres.  We all know that learning pattern differs for every student. Having regular classroom teaching even after the school hours in the private tuition often becomes irksome to the students. They desire to explore more in their own terms and conditions; this is another reason that is making online study a foremost choice amongst students.

Complete Solution To Score Extra Marks In Exams
Excelling in exams with brilliant scores has always been the driving force of learning. When a student starts preparing for exams he looks out for sample papers, question papers and other test papers to get acquainted with the pattern and style of questions asked in exams. Online study websites cater to these requirements of the students by providing a collection of model test papers, board papers and other sample papers. Online availability of CBSE board papers, ICSE board papers and other board papers helps a student to prepare successfully for exams. Moreover study content based on CBSE syllabus further helps a student to comprehend the topics and add more information to score extra marks in exams. To meet the requirements of CBSE X board and other board students, online study website also offers online tests to check the proficiency level and revise the topics during last minute of exams.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

Online Study Packages Unlimited Study Support

When the students need to crack the examination under immense pressure and when they are stuck in the middle of their course of studies, then online study packages provide them with the necessary study material that they look for. Online study has brought a revolution in the traditional pedagogical system. This particular learning pattern acts as a medium where technology blends with education. All these online educational systems are based on the NCERT curriculum, which are imparted through the use of modern technology in the ICT space such as an interactive board. With rich online material offerings as eLearning modules, study packages, and online test facility to name a few, these websites help in creating an interactive ecosystem where students can learn more effectively and efficiently with fun and ease.

There has always been a common sight in the traditional schools context, i.e. home assignments given in the schools tend to overburden the students. With their parents found mostly busy, the kids cannot expect any help from them either to cope with this growing study pressure. In such a situation, almost 90% of the kids think of only one thing, which is to have 24*7 teaching aid to get them rid of their worries.  And there comes the imperative solution to all these problems in the form of highly cooperative Online Study Packages.

It has been observed that due to high aspirations and competitive pressure of studies, even in the poor families parents send their children for private tuitions so that they do not lag behind. But with the innovation of eLearning medium and its’ exclusive products, it has become easier to live all the unexpected dreams now. Through its’ countless online study packages as Annual Study Packages or complete Course Study Packages, which in such a case acts as a tool to replace these private tuitions, these provide students with the additional facility of online subject experts to solve their innumerable queries apart from the varied relevant study materials.

These study packages offer live virtual classes, wherein the students can get the answer to all their subject-related questions by the subject experts via text chat or video chat. And it actually gives a feel of a real classroom right within the periphery of their homes. A complete course study package or an annual study package is one such online study package, which helps the student to do an online self-assessment on the entire syllabus. A relief for many, here students use it to the maximum by interacting with other students as well as the subject experts, subsequently solving their subject issues. They can even raise questions or topics for discussions, ask and explore plenty of new things through the web.

The best thing about these study packages is that a student has to pay just once in a year, which allows him unlimited access to the study materials…and which he can study anywhere, anytime without the constraint of time. And what more can one ask for when it is almost like a school at home. All these online study packages come with assorted features like Smart Learning Modules, which gives a visual, graphical and concise presentation of each chapter. The packages even have Online test facility, which help the students do a self-assessment, thus, giving a complete analysis of the student’s performance. Apart from these, solved board papers, model test papers, chapter wise question papers, etc. also feature in the offerings.

The study packages also come handy for students studying at home during the school vacations when they are generally overburdened with homework and assignments. They act as a summer school, which helps in engaging them completely with their studies, providing effective fun while learning at home without leaving any scope to struggle with the boring textbooks. Therefore, in nutshell, we can say that this kind of interactive learning system is led with only one aim, i.e. to help students learn smartly, effectively and efficiently.And you can experience this difference yourself when learning from the traditional learning methods and the online study packages are concerned.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

Online Education: Study Shows Social Networking a Boon for Education

Your teenage daughter is supposed to be doing homework, but you catch her chatting online. She tells you that she's talking about the math test tomorrow. Before your eyes start rolling, listen up: teens are using social networking sites for more than just gossip, according to a new study by the National School Boards Association. The students who participated in the online survey, ages 9 to 17, say they spend almost as much time social networking online as they do watching television. And it's what these kids are talking about on-line that's causing such a cheer: Education. That's right. Of the students who participated in the study, 60 percent reported that some of the most popular social networking topics were college planning, learning outside of school, careers, and schoolwork. They also report posting writing and art projects that may have nothing to do with schoolwork.

This is exciting stuff to the National School Board Association, which has promoted the concept of online education long before google and wikipedia were household names. Ann Flynn, director of education technology for the National School Board Association, says incorporating social networking tools into educational curriculum is the way forward. “Learn it because I said so isn't effective right now. We need to use the Internet to involve students in project based assignments in the real world, taking place around the world,” she says.

Take a stodgy school classic: the book report. Flynn says a school in Cleveland, Ohio is posting student book reports on a blog for their peers, parents and other teachers to read and comment on. Think of a Sunday Book Review. “If someone is going to react other than the teacher, a child is much more likely to take an assignment seriously,” Flynn says. Other classes nationwide are gathering and displaying what they've learned on wikis, or collaborative web sites that can be edited by anyone with access to it. Students working on science projects can be steered towards blogs on global warming. During campaign season, political blogs give students the chance to feel the heat of debate first-hand.

Flynn says its not just about complementing the curriculum. She says collaboration, self-direction, and problem solving are all long-term academic and life skills that social networking helps students practice.nIt's not just students benefiting. “It's terrific outreach for parents," Flynn says. "Sometimes asking, 'What homework do you have? What did you do today in school?' doesn't always elicit the best response. Now parents can go online and know what the class is doing." Keeping pace with technology while leveling the playing field for students who don't have Internet access at home is a delicate balance, says Flynn. The study shows that 70 percent of school districts report having web site programs and 96 percent say at least some of their teachers assign homework requiring Internet use.

But many schools also block social networking sites, even though some of the sites they're blocking may be great resources. Flynn says she hopes the survey will spark conversation about the current school policies. “There are some really intelligent, topic specific blogs. We're not saying we should unblock all filters, but schools and parents should open up the conversation and figure out what to block and what to filter,” she says. So, next time your child says her blog is educational, get curious; sit down and check out the blog with her. You might just learn something new yourself.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

What is Online Graduate Education?

People are so busy nowadays to go to a brick-and-mortar outlet to further their studies. It's no wonder then that online graduate education is the current craze. But before signing up for one, do ask yourself why you should choose online graduate education. The thing is having a degree clearly shows to your employer that you have drive and you are an expert in your field of study. With that paper qualification, you should be able to command a higher salary and even get a better job position. Self esteem and confidence will climb a few notches, and your standard of living may be much better.

A study in the US last year showed that full-time workers who have a graduate degree earn more than those with normal degrees, so graduate degrees are great from the financial perspective. With technology continually evolving, the number of colleges/universities offering online graduate education has mushroomed too. They are much sought-after because students can get the degrees at a lower cost, can study at their own time, do not have to attend classes, and can continue to work full time! Do you know that you can reach the master and doctorate (PhD) levels through online graduate education?

Among the kind of master degree courses available are Master of Arts (MA) in social sciences and humanities, MBA, Master of Early childhood education, Master of Engineering and even Master of Justice Administration. For the doctorate level, a vast amount are available, including Doctor of Business Administration (DBA), Doctor of Computer Science (DCS) and Doctor of Criminal Justice (DCJ). The amount of credit hours you need to cover differs from course to course, but for a master degree you may be looking at 30 credit hours of study. This includes exams and coursework. Studying for a master degree usually takes two years to complete but in the case of online graduate education, you may complete it earlier or later then that.

For doctorate candidates, you may be looking at a five year time frame. Students need to go for seminars and do independent studies. Most institutions of higher learning require a student to have a master degree before they can pursue a PhD degree. But such requirements are usually listed on the website itself so check this out because registering yourself. Since there are so many universities/colleges around, you need to pick your school carefully when pursuing online graduate education. Things to look out for include the school's reputation, accreditation, faculty, fees, past students' opinions and whether their course can prepare you for that dream job you are eying.

Deepa Singh
Business Developer
Email Id:-deepa.singh@soarlogic.com